I just want to start of by
saying that this week was one of the busiest weeks I've ever had in my
life and that is really saying something and I hope that I have enough
time to tell you about it because some amazing things happened this week
and a few experiences we might have to wait til after the mission to
discuss because they are just that spiritual! I'm so glad that everyone
is doing well! So my week was pretty hectic and
busy, but such a memorable week as well!
Tuesday, we drove to Auburn for exchanges and while we were waiting for
the other Elders to finish emailing we walked around on Auburn's campus
and took pictures by the Auburn stadium! It was awesome to be there and
experience Auburn! It's a very VERY nice campus! And no this time I did
not get a ticket when I was in Auburn, I'm just very cautious whenever I
take a left turn there now haha:) But I went exchanges with Elder Clark
who is one of the most humble and down to earth missions I've ever met!
He is very nice and caring and I hope when I'm about to head home like
him that I'll be just as upright as he is! But we had a great lesson
with an investigator about the gospel of Jesus Christ and he definitely
is gaining a testimony in the church! A bunch of our plans fell through
that day so we have been trying to go through and contact the new move
ins in the ward that might not know anyone from the church. So while we
were doing that we saw a truck in front of a house with Colorado license
plates on it and you DO NOT see that here in Georgia and Edler Clark
being from mostly Texas, there was a Texas sticker on the side of his
truck so we had to talk to him! It was like the house was made for us!
It turns out that he is a very hard man to catch with how much he works
but he has been looking for a church since he moved here, but was tired
of the pastors who preach one thing and live another way and we invited
him to come to church and shared the Restoration with him! We later had a
great lesson with a member who has fallen away from the gospel and the
church for a while and he has been dealing with marriage and child
custody problems. It really was a spiritual meeting and he sincerely
wants to come back to God but is trying to receive inspiration on how to
do it, but with faith he will!
On Wednesday,
we drove back to Auburn and exchanged back. In preparation for the zone
conference to meet President and Sister Grayson Elder Memmott went to go
by some new shoes and it was the 1st time I've been in a JC Penney
since Colorado so it was a throwback! We had to get tons of logistical
things in order for zone conference and work out some things with a few
members. It started to rain and storm super bad as we were going to the
church for the meeting! We were all very anxious for the Graysons and
the transition and the knowledge that both of them will bring! The
Graysons are such great people, very humble, willing to listen to you,
they both have desires to serve even though they are unfamiliar with how
missions or the mission department functions. They have been thrown
into a lot of new things but they are confident and willing to be here!
We had a great meeting and I look forward to serving with them in the
future! In the meeting they discussed the importance of teaching
repentance and baptizing converts and how we can do it more effectively.
Their insights were spot on! Later that night we helped move a couple
fridges into Kenya Boyers trailer and the Lord has truly blessed her for
her obedience to the gospel and to the Lord!
Thursday, we had to get an oil change for our car and we had to switch
cars with the Cusseta missionaries because they were going to get a new
car. So while our car was getting an oil change we went to the Food bank
and helped them sort food and pack food for them! We then returned and
exchanged cars so we would be driving a jeep for a few days:) I'm not
sure if y'all remember the pastor from Calvary Chapel from a few letters
back but there was a member that wanted to meet with him to help answer
any questions from the last time or resolve any conflicts... well that
was the hope:) We went into his office with the member and the member we
brought was very VERY knowledgeable of the gospel, why we believe what
we believe, and the divinity of the church. He is very good at
explaining things so a child can understand it and as we discussed
differences about doctrine, it was interesting to see the change of
spirit from the beginning of meeting to the end. The pastor was very
against the church and was trying to pick a fight with every little
thing we stated. The member and us were able to diffuse a lot of
difficult situations in the conversation and really help him understand
the doctrine of what we believe in. As we discussed the first vision and
how Christs church was restored back to the earth we explained it with
simplicity and backed it up with versus in the bible and the Book of
Mormon. All in all, it was quite the experience and even though we didnt
all believe in the same way, we protected the faith and at least now he
can walk away knowing what we actually believe instead of hearing
rumors of what we believe. We had a very spiritual lesson later that
night with Chelsey watching a few bible videos at the church and hearing
the song come unto Christ:) Great stuff!
Friday, we had to go to Macon for MLC and I'll tell you what the
pictures we took on the way up and the way back were spectacular! It was
like living in a calendar! Georgia is so beautiful! It was President
and Sister Graysons 1st MLC and it was a very well thought out and
constructive meeting. You'll love one of the highlights from the
meeting... So we were talking about repentance and how important
repentance is in conversion and they first demonstrated through a role
play how they would teach repentance. Then they opened it up to us once
they finished that they wanted one of us to teach the Graysons
repentance. As expected many of the missionaries in there were
apprehensive of the situation and waiting for someone to say they'd do
it. Well Elder Memmott and I weren't scurred and we said "WE WILL DO
IT!" So in front of all the leadership and the mission presidency we put
our selves out there and taught them the importance of repentance.
You'll be happy to know that many people complimented us on the clarity
and simplicity we taught with. We used each other and taught with power
and authority! It was an awesome experience. MLC is awesome too because
we got to see lots of old friends and reminisce. On the way back we
drove through Warner Robbins and saw the Air Force base there with tons
of crazy airplanes that were HUGE! It was awesome! We also visited one
of Elder Memmotts converts there and he's receiving the priesthood this
Sunday and that is really what its all about! Seeing someone really
embracing the gospel and doing acts of faith to get closer to God.
Saturday, we were able to help a member with lots of service who were
going through rough health problems at the time and it was awesome to
see how the service helped mend and build relationships. We did lots of
weeding and got into a great conversation about the Book of Mormon and
the truthfulness of it. We had lots of lessons with some investigators
who werent able to see because of the meetings we had during the week.
There was baptism in the Rivercrest ward where the man getting baptized
yelled" WOOOOHOOOO!" after he came up from the water and it was pretty
funny! But also that really is how we should like at it in a spiritual
sense is it's a WOOHOO moment!
Sunday, was a
SPECTACULAR day! We showed up to church and there was a couple who had
never been to a Mormon church before and so we went over and introduced
ourselves. They loved the service and they were fellow shipped really
well by the ward! She told me that "I've been looking for something like
this my whole life and I'm so glad that I came:)" She felt very loved
and told us that this is the one church that doesn't judge me for who I
am but just loves me for who I am, which is hard for people to say
nowadays. Later in the day we went to the hospital to give a blessings
and it was interesting when we walked into the room, apparently they
were just thinking about calling us to come and see if she could give a
blessing and no later than when they said they we walked in the door and
I was able to give 4 blessings right in a row which was pretty
spiritual. It doesn't happen everyday! We had dinner with a couple on
fort Benning who has a very cute baby girl. He's going to ranger school
soon and we talked alot about what to look for in your future wife and
talked about the recent events in Texas. The world is getting worse and
worse so just affirm your testimony in Christ! We gave extra food to one
of our investigators that was homeless and it really made his day.
Sunday night we had a very very spiritual experience that I'll have to
share after the mission but just kniow that the priesthood is real and
there is nothing like it!
I LOVE Y'all sorry for the long letter but keep on keepin on and thanks for all you do!!
-Elder Hill
#Whataweek #oneforthebooks
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Two Peas in a Pod! :) |
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Pic with the man! And Cam Newton was there too:) |
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President and Sister Grayson! |
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