Weeks just keep on going by faster and faster!
Well this week was a pretty physically laboring week and we got a lot of things straightened out and made memories along the way! I got an email from Madison Boswell, one of my recent converts in Evans and she got her patriarchal blessing this past week and in it, it talks about her going on a mission. She told me that she was planning on going on a mission and it was great news to hear! It made me so happy that she is so converted to the gospel that she wants others to know of the joy as well.
On Tuesday, we woke up early in the morning and drove to Tifton, GA for zone conference! It was a very spiritual meeting and President Grayson encouraged us to listen with our spiritual ears and be doers of the word not just hearers. I learned a lot of about things I can do better with in my own missionary work and we were edified by each other. There is a new mission nurse for the mission now and when she was introducing herself she talked about the Saints when they crossed the country and how they stayed positive while they were going through terrible trials. She talked about when loved ones passed away along the journey that the saints had to bury them right then and there and that a lot of the times they couldn't dig deep holes to put them in because the ground was hard and cold. The Saints knew that it was likely that they would be eaten by wild beasts and it would've been so hard to leave your loved ones and all that you have to go to something better on faith. As missionaries we get a taste of leaving "all that we have" and seeking to solidify our life in Jesus Christ and help others do the same. I often think of the Saints crossing the plains as we travel throughout the day and try to put myself in their shoes (if they even had shoes). But it was a very powerful meeting and I learned a lot from the Leaders of this mission! After Zone Conference I went on exchanges with Elder Downs in Douglas. It was fun going on an exchange with a zone leader again and I sure do miss the duties of being a Zone Leader and it was cool to rekindle those memories I've had in my time being a Zone Leader. For dinner we went to a place called Danny's pizza and it was a really cool pizza joint. I heard from the missionaries in Douglas that President Fussell went on his first date with his wife in Dannys pizza so fun fact of the day I guess haah! It was a pretty short exchange but I learned a lot from Elder Downs on my time with him.
On Wednesday, we exchanged back from exchanges and Elder Irons and I had a really good day full of walking and talking to people. We talked with Austin about things going on in his life and how the Devil is trying to tear all the good things going for him down. He is a very strong man and even though he is going through a lot right now he is staying strong and true to the gospel. Please pray for him for strength as some things in his life get straightened out, but everything will work out for the better! That night we had difficult situation, the branch had planned for us to go finish Sister Wolfes fence that night but when we got out there there were trailers in the way of where the fence was going to be, it started to rain and we didn't have the right tools. We ended up planning to finish it on Saturday and we went out to dinner with Brother Robertson who told us about what he does for work and about his construction company. He is a very talented man and it was interesting to hear of what he can do and how close he is with God.
On Thursday, we did lots of walking and talked to people about the Restoration. We talked to this one man and after we asked him if he'd like to hear more of the message we share with people he said..."No I'm good, I don't want to be Christian right now, but don't worry guys I go to church..." We kind of stood there confused and in my head I'm think so if you go to church and don't want to be Christian then why are you going to church? Haha I don't get people sometimes and I was like you cant just choose when your going to be Christlike it should be a lifetime decision not just when its convenient in your life. We talked to this other man and after we talked with him about his church and what we believe I asked him "So what ways do you strengthen your faith in Christ?" He then responded "well, I pray and read the Bible." I said" That's awesome those are some great ways we build our faith. WE know that building our faith doesn't happen over night." He cuts me off and says "YES M'AAM!!" I didn't really know what to say haha cause he just called me a girl, but I think since he talks with his wife all the time its probably something programmed in his head that he responds with. But it was just really funny and I asked Elder Irons if I looked like a girl and he laughingly said no and we joked about it the whole day. It was a pretty funny day because later that day during our dinner break we called some old potentials in the area book and we called this lady who invited us to come over to her house and it turns out she was a reverend at a nearby church. I said" We sure would love to visit you and worship Christ with you what time are your services?" After everything I said she said" Hallelujah!!". But what made it funny was she would interrupt her own sentences to say Hallelujah. So here is an example of something she said..."Elder Hallelujah, I feel sooooo Hallelujah blessed to talk with Hallelujah you today, Thank ya Jesus. If all young men Hallelujah were like y'all, thank ya Jesus this world would be a Hallelujah a lot more betta." AMEN!!
On Friday, we walked over to the Bacon County High School and made the posters for the youth night at the church, I really hope that by doing this some youth will come and we will help them through their trials! We planned for a good majority of the day and we tried to figure out ways that we could involve the members of the branch when they live so far away. We said many prayers throughout the planning session and we are making plans to really help the people here!
On Saturday, It was a very physically exerting day putting up the fence for Sister Wolfe. There were alot of roots underneath the ground so we had to dig lots of deep holes in the ground and with a hand saw cut major roots from trees. You could definitely say that Georgia mud was between our fingernails! It was an absolute joy helping out Sister Wolfe and she is going through a rough time right now where she has been dealing with people in Colorado taking apart her home in Colorado and has made the decision to go out there and try to catch the thieves in the act. So please pray for her safety but she should alright! It was great watching Sister Wolfe and you could tell this fence means a lot to her because its more than a fence it shows that people care for her. The fence is to help keep her horses away from her horse trailer hitch is where she is living. sister Wolfe was a barrel horse racer and a really good artist. Kristy and Dad would love the horses she has!
On Sunday it was really good and spiritual Sunday, just like Michelle, Dad and mom I also gave a talk on love. Fitting for Valentines Day and I talked about examples in my life of doing service and even though serving people can be hard its what makes that Christlike love flow from you and it really helps you love everyone! There is a really good feeling in the Alma branch and one that is very memorable, everyone loves each other and loves them for who they are and its a genuine love. Elder Irons and I were also Poll bearers for a man named Randy who passed away in Baxley. The funeral was held in a Methodist country church and I was conducting the music! It was cool how many different faiths were there but yet we all believed there is a life hereafter. There is a visible difference in how someone who passed away looked from when they were living and you just know that there is a life hereafter! We talked with a lady named Lisa and after reading 1 Nephi 10 with her she accepted to be baptized and we are excited to help her make those promises. Another exciting news is that Austin has quit smoking for a week which is a very big accomplishment for him and he also has a job welding! The Lord has blessed him!
-Elder Hill
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Air Bud! |
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Diggin' some holes! |
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Pall Bearers for Randy. |
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Playin' in the dirt! |
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Posters for the Youth. |
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Zone Conference in Tifton. |
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