Wow what a busy and eventful week Elder Haines and I had!! It is extremely weird saying bye to President Cottle this Friday for the last time and I will surely miss them. They have done so much for the mission and my testimony! Y'alls week sounds great, and that pool sounds like a blast with all the Georgia heat that I've experienced this week it sounds like Paradise! And no your not boring whatsoever, it sounds like y'all are having a fun time. But before I get into my week, this past Saturday we had transfer calls and my name wasn't called, but Elder Haines' name was. So I will be staying here in Columbus til at least July 22nd and will be getting a new companion! I'm very excited to stay her Columbus another transfer and things will be great!!
On Tuesday, we went to the Food Bank in the morning and did some service for them. We sorted lots of cans and made boxes for some people who were homeless. It was really cool to work with lots of people in the community doing community service. After that we visited lots of less actives in the afternoon and we could feel the summer heat approaching us. I wish y'all could experience the heat down here like when you step outside a building with air conditioning it's literally like a wall of heat that just consumes you and you just instantly start to sweat. You just gotta embrace it and over time you get used to it. We saw lots of less actives and tracked a bit. Almost being a year out tracting has become more of a skill I guess you could say and that you become more comfortable talking about the gospel the longer you've been out so when we meet people it's as if the message of the Restoration just rolls of your tongue.
On Wednesday, we went to the Food Bank and did some more service at the Food Bank, We had RMT time and were able to go on the computers and I watched kids tell the stories of Jesus Christ and here's a link to it but the simplicity and innocence are great! watch/collection/childrens- bible-videos/fishers-of-men. Later in the evening we had Book of Mormon class and as we read the book of Ether the with our investigators you could almost see the growing testimony inside of them. It was really powerful. We had a lesson with the branch President of Fort Benning with ice cream so that's always a bonus! His testimony is so strong and his conversion story is unique and you can see how strong his faith is by how he lives his faith.
On Thursday, we had ZTM and the morning we were busy bees! We had to get all the supplies done, get ready for ZTM, finish our trainings, set up the building for the meeting and try not sweat to much so it doesn't go through your suit haha. The meeting went really well and whenever your in charge of a meeting you want it to go well and Elder Haines and I were really stressing out about making sure it stayed under 3 hours because of the amount of training that were given. I gave a training on the story of David and Goliath and the training went pretty well and studying this chapter in the bible brought new meaning to the story because we all know the story but looking at the faith that David had and how he attacked his Goliath really stood out to me. He never wavered, he never second guessed himself, he always knew he could slay Goliath! I love David for that and may we be more like a David in life! Following the meeting I went to Americus for exchanges with Elder Jordan and Elder Hanks! They are awesome guys and we had some great success. Americus is a Civil War tow and all of the homes there date back to the 1800's which is very eyeopening. I got some great scenery shots for ya!
On Friday, funny story.... So 6:30 comes around and I get up and say my prayers... Elder Haines says to me in a morning voice "Did you sleep talk last night?" I said " No why?" He could hardly contain himself he said "Dude, last night you screamed I'm SOO EXCITED IM SOOO EXCITED!! WHERES MY BASKETBALL!!! ??? Hahahaha we just busted up laughing! I was like yep that sounds like something I'd say!! Anyways haha do you remember that pastor we knocked into and had a "bible bash" with? Well, he's been causing us lots of problems and so one of our members who is less active has been going to Calvary Chapel because its walking distance and it got brought up that she was a member of the church and the pastor has been telling false teachings about the church and been talking bad about it. Not only that but one of our investigators has been going there too because it's close to their place and I just fear that as we continue to teach her, her testimony of the church will be tried. So we are somewhat battling with this guy and we might have to meet with him again and just tell him to meet on mutual ground and stop talking down the church because that's not cool bruh.
On Saturday, We cleaned the church and had transfer calls. It was President Cottle's last transfer call and it was sad. As I've said before I'm staying here in Columbus, but I will surely miss Elder Haines... He's one of my favorite companions I've had and he's helped me become way more efficent at small tasks, a great planner, he's helped me teach more clearly , and become a better leader. I will surely miss that kid! We then hopped on our bikes in the Georgia sun and rode all over Columbus. Sweated a ton and had a nosebleed randomly and it made me look like a tough guy with blood going down my face riding on my bike haha! We had a great lesson with one of Annas friends with sincere questions who accepted to be baptized! We were very bold this week with extending baptismal commitments with people. It was great! We had dinner at Hibachi and Elder Haines said bye to people. One of those people has the cutest puppy!
On Sunday, We had 5 investigators lined up to come to church and only 2 came but things are changing in the ward with so many people moving out this summer so the ward is in a transition phase with lots of new callings and assignments.We went on splits with a few elders in the elders quorum. Brother Harrison and I went to go see one of our investigators who accepted to be baptized as we taught the Plan of Salvation and things are looking well! Elder Haines said bye to more people and he will surely be missed. Sorry I didn't write as much this week, but I don't have much time today. But I know this church is true and that Joseph Smith restored Christ church back on the earth and I know that as we continue to go to church, pray, and read the scriptures we will see our faith grow and our relationship with God grow as well!
I LOVE Y'ALL and next week we have a baptism that I'm so excited for so stay tuned for that!
-Elder Hill
#Almostayear???? #hotinGeorgia #dontsweatit
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Georgia....Georgia... |
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The God Squad! |
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Columbus Ga Zone 2016!! |
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