Wow what a week it was! Transfers always bring lots of change to the area and the companionship, but I'm very excited for the new transfer and what is going to come! A southern-ism that could describe this week would be "We have been busier than a one legged-man in a butt-kicking contest:)"Hahah It was hard saying bye to Elder Haines this past week at Transfers and I've really loved serving with him and I wish him the best in life! My new companion is Elder Memmott!!! I'm not sure if you remember him, but it was almost a year ago when I was in Waynesboro with Elder Hinton and serving near us was Elder Memmott and Elder Johnson. So it was almost a year to the day that we wished we would become companions and a year later we ARE companions! I thought it was a pretty cool connection that we had and we couldn't believe we became companions and things are on the up and up! Dont worry I will definitely stay healthy with water and keeping my body feelin' good:) The new mission President's name is President and Sister Grayson! They are from Louisiana and they come to the mission on the 30th of June but I'll tell you more about that later in my letter. That Sacrament meeting sounded like it was a good one and we had one of those one Sunday and it made for a very short second hour. The ward here was updating me on the Finals here and there and I was very indifferent because I haven't seen how the season went I didn't know which team to root for, but I just hope the world wont idolize Lebron more than they already do. hahah.
Tuesday, was day full of changes and stress as I would say goodbye to Elder Haines and wonder who my next companion would be. I had a good guess and as Zone leaders its a little bit easier to guess your companion because you get the leadership assignment report on the Monday before transfer so you can speculate who it might be. So I was hoping and praying it would be Elder Memmott and guess what!! It was!!! We both were sooo pumped and ready to serve together! Elder Memmott is alot like me where he loves sports, he loves working hard, staying in shape, and he knows why he is here which makes us a deadly combination haha. Most of the day was introducing him to investigators and getting him caught up in the new area. It was the first time in transfers that I knew a companion and I would get along which was a major sigh of relief and quite a blessing:) Elder Memmott and I are doing two a day workouts where we do a 2 mile run in the morning and after planning we workout with weights so you know we are gettin' along:)We met with the stake president later in the evening and talked to him about including members in all of our lessons and how as missionaries we can help bring the work forth here in the Columbus stake. President Brown is a very bright man and knows the gospel through and through and we had a great meeting with getting on the same page with the Lord's work. We then went over to Sarah Mickles house and had a lesson with her prepping her for her long awaited baptism on Saturday the 18th. She has been waiting 5 years to get baptized because her parents wouldn't let her and she couldn't have been more prepared and ready.
Wednesday, we went to the Food Bank and help them out with boxes and sorting tons of food. It's cool working along side of people who care about the community and are doing things out of the goodness of their heart. We had a great coordination meeting with Bro Taylor and Brother Lund. The rest of our night was fellow shipping with the ward and setting up appointments to meet with them and how we can help them as missionaries:)
Thursday, we went to the Food Bank again and while we were there it was really cool because it starting raining really hard outside and we looked outside and we saw these two guys hurrying to put food in their truck and here comes Elder Memmott and Elder Hill to the rescue and when we were finished getting the stuff in the truck everything from our head, shoulders, knees, and toes were soaked from being in the rain for only like 2 minutes so from that you can imagine how hard it rains here in the south. We had a busy, busy ,busy night where we gave Sarah a blessing for the week she was having and Stan was playing with her super hard during this week where she would get baptized and we then had our bible class. We taught fro man Ensign article about how God has blessed us with two eyes that allow us to see things that we would normally see. It then makes the comparison to the Book of Mormon and the Bible and how if we only had one eye (bible) then we wouldn't be able to have good depth perception, we could see as effectively and we would have a huge blind spot, but with two eyes we are able to see more effectively and be warned of predators. We then were able to go and play some bball with some investigators at the church which is something that brought me pure joy haha:)
Friday, we had a meeting with a good part of zone to said bye to President and Sister Cottle. We will surely miss the Cottles they have strengthen my testimony so much over the past year and its sad to see them go. However I'm happy that they will be able to reunite with those that they love. sister Cottle said to us as she came in that "These past few days saying bye to all the missionaries have been like saying bye to your kids because you grow so close to all of them" We had a question and answer session with them and someone asked what are things we need to do so we can be strong after we come of our missions. They said we need to have multiple prayers throughout the day because the amount of prayers we say a day go from at least 10-15 on an average day and then to go from that to like 2 a day will be an adjustment so say lots of prayers, go to the temple, bear your testimony often, scripture study, and no one should ever question you went on a mission by the way you dress ,talk, or how you live your life. No one should ever question that and it was great counsel. The Cottles told us that the Graysons have quite the rigorous schedule when they come here where they have a zone conference for every zone within the week they gert here and have to conduct interviews with every missionary here so they will be quite busy. They also only have 3 days in the MTC to prepare which is hard to imagine so definitely pray for them!! We will surely miss them, we then had a great lesson with Dennis who is trying to quit smoking and he says he's an 8/10 for desire to quit and thats the highest its ever been since I've been here. He plans to get baptized on the 2nd of July so we pray that goes through! K so funny story time... so we drove to Lanett, Alabama for a baptismal interview and we got there and the Cottles were saying bye to that part of the zone so we got to say bye to them at that time too. We had to drive to Roanoke, Alabama. The town reminded me so much of the town from Dukes of Hazzard and it was really cool to experience a retro town. The rain on the way there was truly insane and all the clouds around us with the farm land made for a really cool experience. The interview went great and she is definitely ready for baptism. Elder Peay stopped by a burger king to grab a burger and on the way out a funny thing happened so this guy on a bike pulls up and asks "Are y'all in the military?" " Elder Memmott says "kind of in Gods army!" the other guys says "I need some money y'all I need some money for my insulin shot and I've been shot 5 times by an Ak-47 and I need help..." From his body expressions we knew it was more or less a scam and we said we don't have any money but we gave him a pass along card. He then goes over to the car where the other missionaries are sitting and starts singing gospel songs... meanwhile Elder Memmottt and I are by the car and he has a cup of water in his hand, all of a sudden this black truck comes up with VERY beautiful girls in it and Elder Memmott got nervous and said "GET IN THE CAR!" As I went down my elbow hit the cup and it was like slow motion the cup of water goes all over him and the girls just start cracking up and we get in the car. We cant contain our laughter but we had to because we didn't want to make the impression we were laughing at the guy still singing gospel songs the other elders but as soon as he was done we just laughed so hard!!! It was great!
Saturday, we went to the ranch, and we witnessed horses stampeding to get to their food which I never though I would say was pretty cool, and we fellow shipped and had a good time helping out at the ranch. Later in the day we helped another member with some service before filling the font for Sarah's baptism. At 3;30 we started to fill the font and every time I do I just feel so holy and peaceful and I love the spirit there! So many people came to support Sarah in her baptism. Kyra Lee was also baptized too! One of the elders that found her came back and baptized her which was really cool full circle relationship. Seeing her face come up from the water and seeing her follow through with it after waiting for so long made the spirit so wholesome. Elder Memmott, Anna Harrell, and I sang "Never be the same" and the spirit made everyone have a tear stained face, especially for those people wearing mascara:) Such a spirit filled meeting and we can wait for her!
Sunday, we were able to confirm Sarah a member of the church and help her receive the holy ghost. The spirit was so strong and I cant wait for all the great things to come for her!!
I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!!! Almost at a year and going strong!
-Elder Mitchell Hill
#onedownonetogo #baptismsareawesome
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Georgia Ranch is Pretty! |
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Sarah Mickle Baptism! |
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