Another week here in the south comes and flies by! Especially since we have been having 70 degree weather all week and it sure did make Elder Hill happy:)
But this week was pretty memorable, made some mistakes, and made memories:)
Tuesday, we started the day off on bikes riding around, awkwardly waving at people in the cars because you cant tell if they are looking at you or not. Cars getting really close almost invading your personal bike bubble, and gripping to that white line and look at it as a tightrope you have to ride on. BUT we made it to our location and we tracted and visited some potentials in the area. No huge success, lots of people turning us away like we were the plague, but we taught a few people who were very appreciative of the service we render to the people here. We then later in the day went and provided some service for Rosemary Luby. If you remember that lady we walked in to last week we helped her spray her forest with poison Ivy spray and removed some large roots coming from, the forest into her backyard. Rosemary is one of the sweetest ladies I've every met and she treated us so nice! Right at the end of the service she said "thank you" probably 15 times before we left and with tears in her eyes she was in awe of two young men giving up two years of our lives to serving people and serving God. Very positive experience and we are hoping to introduce the Restoration this upcoming week and finish taking down a fence! We then drove up north to go see a lady named Jennifer Brumfield. This was my first time meeting Jennifer, she has been taught by missionaries in the past, but didn't like how bold the missionaries taught her was. She had many questions about baptism and we started off by reading Christs baptism in the book of Matthew and helped her understand the authority that John the Baptist had in baptizing Christ, and that being called of God is different than being called by men. We read with her 2 Nephi 31 with her and verse 7 really stood out to her where it says...
"Know ye not that he was holy? But notwithstanding he being holy, he showeth unto the chil dren of men that,according to the flesh he humbleth himself before the Father, and witness unto the Father that he wo uld be obedient unto him in ke eping his commandments." The part where it says Christ had to humble himself before the Father hit her pretty hard. We explained that Christ, being perfect, didn't need to be baptized to return to live with Heavenly Father because he was perfect and sinless, but he did it so that he would be an example to all of us and show us that we NEED to be baptized to cleanse us of sin and sanctify us through the Holy Ghost. It was a great lesson and we all felt the spirit and she says she wants to be baptized after Halloween to renew herself, so we are excited to watch her testimony grow when we meet with her again. We ended the night off with a great English class talking about vocab words and similar words!
Wednesday, we went to the library for referral management time and learned a lot about the Atonement and the sacrifice by Christ. We later that day saw Brother Griener who has Lou Griggs disease and its hard for him to talk, but his testimony in Christ doesn't fade as his complication worsens, he knows the gospel is true. Talking with him always makes me grateful for all that I have and all that I've been blessed with and he is a really humble guy and I really feel for his situation. We tracted a lot that day and whenever you tract there are many things that can happen so you've always got to be on your toes, after getting rejected at the 1st door the next door we knocked on happened to be members who were very less active and they invited us right in. They don't want to be apart of the church anymore but they love what we do as missionaries and they took us in and chatted with us for a bit. Out of all the houses what are the chances we knock on two less active members wanting their names removed from the church. Maybe our visit will rekindle some feelings they had at the time of their conversion. We then tracted into this lady named Stacy who as soon as she opened her door I felt strongly about. We shared the Restoration with her and it just so happens that her aunt was coming into her home to stay with her that night and she is a member in Connecticut. So after she shared that with us we were like wow that's divine intervention, God works in mysterious ways so by us meeting her she will hopefully ask her aunt about the church and will turn to us for more investigation.We had bible class and ready in Mark 13 and learned a lot!
Thursday, we had ZTM in the morning and I gave a training on working with members and how we as missionaries can be more of a help and not a burden. IO talked about how bearing our testimony to members on something you've studied that day or how well they are doing in their calling will help us gain their trust which will help them feel comfortable in having us teach their friends or inviting us to have our investigators to come into their home. I wanted to put it to practice before ZTM so I could testify of what it can do and Bishop was looking burdened down at mutual and bore testimony to him of how well he does his calling and he really appreciated it and you could almost see his trust building in us. ZTM went really well and it was Elder Cannon's and Sister Dietz' last ZTM and so singing "God be with you til we meet again" was a tear jerker for them and for many of us in the room. I went on exchanges with Elder Dickson and had my eye appointment that day. Elder Dickson is such a great missionary and being how young he is you can tell he is truly dedicated to being here. You can tell he came out on his mission to seve the Lord and came on for the right reasons. So we could definitely get along in that way, he's really helped me look at how much my testimony has grown over the past year or so and look at how much happier I am having experienced all that I have experienced.
On Friday, we drove to Aiken, SC and exchanged back with Elder Weston and planned for a good majority of the day. Sister Porter dropped of some food for us so that's always a plus:) Planning sometimes is really hard for me just cause I see all the work to do in front of me and I just want to get it done, but Elder Weston is a diligent planner and its helped me have direction and purpose in the work which is what you need.
Saturday, funny story... so I learned a life lesson on this day... I learned that when you cook hard boiled eggs for 8 hours, it makes quite the mess, makes the apartment smell terrible, and you have to buy a new pot... So I was cooking some hard boiled eggs on Friday night and after working out and getting ready for bed I had forgotten about them and they were on a burner all night... So when we woke up on Saturday morning, we woke up to a STANKY apartment, a ruined pot, and eggs shells all over! The cleanup for the egg shells was nice and easy, but we aired out our apartment all day, put out bowls of vinegar to help get the smell out of the walls and sprayed fabreze everywhere! Cleaning it up I was just thinking of how bad it could've turned out, but it worked out in the end and it's all good! So moral of the story dont forget about stuff and cooking eggs for 8 hours can make for some VERY black eggs! It kind of worked to our advantage though because when we went to Frisbee,b ecause our shirts and shorts smelt like burnt eggs no one would guard us because we stank so bad that we both scored quite a bit haha:) Later that day, we had dinner at the Lawrys which was super good and great company! We had transfer calls that night and heard that Elder Weston and I would be staying here in Evans for another transfer together! So we will be together at least til the end of November and we are excited!!
Sunday, we had a great day at church, to be honest one of my favorite moments of the whole day was in ward council. The whole meeting had a purpose, it was spirit directed, and we got assignments made. All of us felt organized and could plan better for the upcoming months! Also because of the Teacher council meeting the missionaries were in the primary watching the kids, and we sang songs the primary kids would get stickers according to how well they sang. After it was over Sister Newell, said okay before the prayer go put all the stickers all over the missionaries. So picture 20 primary kids ambushing you with stickers...AHHHH! But we survived primary and made it out with only a few scrapes haha. But when we walked out with stickers all over our suits and face, it made for a great scene! I wish I got a picture but I didnt have my camera with me... So funny! Later that day we had dinner at the McKinneys and he was the guy who owned the trans am, he asked us if we could give him a blessing at the end of dinner and it was great being able to participate in the blessing!
Thanks y'all and I LOVE YOU!! Cant wait for another transfer here in Evans with Elder Weston! We will keep on keeping on!!
-Elder Hill
#PrimaryisAwesome #dontburneggs
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Happy Trails Elder Cannon! |
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Old Gun Factory in Augusta! |
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Yes!! |
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