It seems like every week in the mission field is different in it's own way but in every week I learn something new or have a stronger testimony in some aspect of the gospel. But yes I'm doing great and being a Zone Leader has its stressful moments but I'm loving the upbeat change of pace. Yeah funny story about the locksmith haha but yeah we parked and we were going to go tract and find some new people to teach when these kids were playing basketball and we decided to go play but we were in our sweaters so we went to the car to put away our sweaters and bags and I didnt want anything in my pocket and so I was thinking or something and right before I was going to put my keys in the car I locked it and threw the keys in the car... While the keys were in the air I realized it and as soon as the door closed I was like DANGIT!! But our phone was locked in there too so we had to ask the people we played basketball with for their phone to call pop-a lock but he came and we got it figured out but it all worked out. I thought I looked like Captain America too with the flag:) I'm glad everyone is doing well! I pray for you everyday! But yeah I feel pretty safe in Columbus. I haven't rode my bike here once cause we have so much to do and not enough time to do it but besides some underclass neighborhoods and trailer parks it's pretty safe here at least from what I've experienced so far.It's so much different than Milledgeville! Columbus is a fairly large town and considerably larger than Milledgeville and the work is doing better than Milledgeville. In Milledgeville the work was slower and everyone in Milledgeville has either seen missionaries or has had missionaries knock at their door because its a small college town but in Columbus the ward is engaged in missionary work and everyone has the same goal of helping people make covenants with the Lord. Thats probably the biggest difference is when the members of the ward care for missionary work the mindset the work changes for the better and we have solid referrals to go see. But all is well and I'm loving Columbus!
This week was amazing and I've had so many powerful experiences that I wish you would've seen and experienced with me. On Tuesday Elder Child and I went to give a recent convert a blessing because she had four kidney stones and she had bronchitis. She was losing her hearing and her sight. So we went over and gave her a blessing and she felt way better after we gave her a blessing and it was pretty awesome!
On Wednesday I was on exchanges with Elder Bailey and he is super cool! He is hilarious and after his mission he wants to be an actor and I hope he does because then I could say I served with someone who is famous:) But we went and we went to a members house, Brother Witbeck, and he helped us make a pinewood derby car! We were invited by the ward to make a car so we went to his house and I got to use his band sawe and his belt sander it was pretty cool and after this week I'll send you a picture of it!We had Book of Mormon class later in the day and it went pretty well. The ward had a missionary activity where we were the investigators and it was a new change of pace for sure:)
On Thursday we had a pretty cool service project at a recent converts place. He lives in a small shack in the woods and its been an ongoing service project where the missionaries cut down all the vines and thorns and trees to clear his house from clutter and clean it up a bit. So we used machetes, axes, and clippers and just let all our anger out on trees and thorny vines!! We got scraped up but it is so much cleaner now! It's also super fun to swing a machete and take all your frustration out.It was really fun! Then later in the day we went to a part member family's house for dinner and their name is the Horne family. The Horne family have 6 foster kids and Sister Horne does a great job trying to keep everything in order with tons of kids running around. I dont know how she does it.
On Friday our district helped Kenya and Kotana move furniture from a Uhaul trailer to a storage unit. So it made me feel your pain because it wasn't even our stuff and I was worried about it and it was hard arranging all the stuff in a way that would fit and everything be safe. So I got a sense of what you went through haha. We then weekly planned and planned for the week. Later in the day we drove to fort Benning for dinner with a member but she couldnt feed us cause her husband wouldnt be home til 8:00 so she gave us food to take home which was really nice. WE then went to Chris Stevens house and that lesson was an experience. Chris is super enthusiastic about the gospel and he knows the church is true but he is in a hard place cause his girlfriend doesn't want to be baptized into the church but he does. They also live together so they would have to live in different places or get married. He also has a problem with smoking if we can help him with those issues then he would get baptized this month.
Saturday was an amazing day we helped the Red Cross with the fire alarms again. Our zone went to to the Red Cross in Columbus to install free fire alarms. So Elder Ballard, Elder Marshall and I were determined to get more installed than ever before. We had some amazing experiences where we would install fire alarms and while Elder Marshall and I would install them Elder Ballard would tell them about fire safety and the Restoration so we got lessons and service!! BOOOM! We found a memeber who didnt know where the church was and many new investigators!! It was pretty cool! Our group installed 54 fire alarms which is more than any other group. WE were on tv and the church was named on tv! We were savin lives and breakin records!!
Sunday was an amazing day! We went to Sacrament meeting and after sacrament meeting we had to drive to Fort Benning because a solider was going to be baptized at 12:00 so President Coleman, Elder Bailey, Brother Witbeck, and I went to Fort Benning for a baptism. He didnt show up so we were confused. So we assumed it wasn't going to happen so we went to the soldiers chapel and got ready for sacrament. Then Private Potter the solider getting baptized showed up and his Drill Sergeant didnt tell him about it so we had to do it in the the span of 2 hours. So there were four missionaries there teaching separate lessons to various soldiers and I taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. Right after the lesson Elder Child called me over and Private Potter got baptized by his friend outside the chapel and it was super cool! Then in Sacrament I had the opportunity to confirm him a member. It was such a powerful experience and I could feel the spirit. It's amazing how the words just come out and they are clear and I felt it was a good blessing. I was in a room with over 100 soldiers and it was so powerful!! I loved it:) We have 2 next week so it should be SWEET!!
I love you guys and pray for you everyday:) I LOVE YOU
-Mitchell Hill
#Baptizm #Armysoliders #ProudtobeanAmerican
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Soldier's Chapel |
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Red Cross Baby! |