Sorry for not emailing yesterday but we had a zone conference yesterday and our P-day got moved to today but WOW this week has been huge and it's been alot to take in. So to start off, I got transferred to Columbus, Georgia and it is an amazing place! My new companion is Elder Joshua Child and he's from California.
On Tuesday we had our transfer meeting at 2:00 in Macon so I had lots of packing to do and getting everything in line to get transferred and then a twist got thrown into the mix and Brother Jones wanted us to come by because his blood pressure was in the 200's and so we came over and made sure he was okay. We spent a good deal of time with him and we want to Elder Godwins and Elder Taggarts apartment to say our goodbye's. I really will miss those guys and they have taught me alot. Brother Talcott came and picked us up to drive to Macon and to get my new companion. We all met in the parking lot and the gym because we can't do transfer "meetings" anymore so one we got our new companion we left to our new area. So I met Elder Child and the other missionaries there told me of how great Columbus is so I was very excited! We drove a few hours to Columbus and on the way we stopped off at a peach orchard store and had the BEST peach cobbler and ice cream ever and I couldn't resist:) We got to the new apartment and I was so PUMPED because we had a bench press and so much weights!! It's like a personal gym in the apartment! The apartment is a pretty good size and I guess it's the perks of being a Zone Leader. After I unpacked a little bit we left to go see Mary Miller who is a recent convert and she is really cool and very spiritual. We had a ward coordination meeting and we got back to our apartment unpacked and I hit the weights
Wednesday was the first day in the new area and Elder Child got his drivers license stolen so I'm the driver and I'm relying solely on the GPS. I met this really nice guy his name is Dennis Mims who is super humble and wants to tell people about the gospel. The only hold up with him is that he smokes but we are working with him on that. The day was filled with meeting new people and the area. This area is super helpful with missionary work which makes things alot better!
On Thursday we had to get the zone set up for miles for the month and answering tons of calls. And I dont think there was a time that our phone wasn't buzzing and ringing. It was a super busy time and answering everyone's questions about upcoming events and such. I also had the opportunity to meet Jazmine and we taught her the last lesson and we invited her to be baptized and she agreed to be baptized on March 5th!!! WOOO! We should be able to baptize 2-3 people this transfer so we have numerous progressing investigators.
On Friday was my first Missionary Leadership Conference in Macon. I met with all the people in leadership positions in Macon and we discussed how the mission is doing and the importance of goals. The Assistants gave trainings on the importance of the investigators knowing our purpose while we teach them nad President Cottle as well as others gave powerful trainings centered on Jesus Christ and being obedient to what we are called to do So from there we now have to take those trainings and training the zone on them. (Columbus zone is the largest zone in the mission) so we will so how that goes this week.
On Saturday we met with Jazmine and showed her some Mormon Messages and testified of prophets and she is all geared up for her baptism!! Then we went to go give some service to a recent convert, Eric. We used machetes and axes to cut down branches and clear this area for Eric. Before he was baptized his house and the area around it was covered with trees and its been an ongoing project to clear it for him so he can make a garden. So we got down and dirty trying to help him reach that goal:)
Sunday was a very spirit filled day and one I'll always remember... We had stake conference and Jazmine was able to come to church. Alot of missionaries from our zone came to see stake conference. President and Sister Cottle were there and it was a powerful meeting. But after the meeting was really cool. We have a military base called fort Benning in our zone and every Sunday on the base they hold worship services for the soliders. I was able to go and witness soliders risking their life go to church. They were all dressed in their camo outfits and it took on a whole new meaning for me. All the soliders there are super humble and willing to learn and thats what we are told inthe scriptures is to be a meek and lowly in heart and they truly exemplify that. After the sacrament meeting the soldiers seperate into soldiers here for the first time and soliders needing the missionary lessons. I actually went to go meet with Private Potter and interview him for baptism before he gets deployed. It was just an amazing experience because of how much he knew it was true. After the interview was through I went into the room where my companion was and there was a return missionary in the army and we were all teaching the gosple of Jesus Christ and it was super powerful! And seeing the base and seeing men in camo was really cool to see.
Then on Monday we woke up and realized we had to wash our car and it was about 20 degrees outside but we wanted to be good examples so we washed it but the bubbles froze as soon as we put the rag on so we decided to go before to a car wash. Then we realized that our carpets were being cleaned so we had to get everything on the capets into our kitchen and leave by 7:45. We got our car cleaned and made it to the church by 8:30. Then we were inspecting our car and our battery died... So we just decided to worry about it after. So we had zone conference where Elder Child and I conducted the meeting and it went pretty well. The spirit was very strong and President Cottle had a truly powerful training on the Plan of Slavation and Elder Child and I volunteered to role play how to teach prayer and I thought we did pretty well. A little nerveracking but it went well:) Then afterthe meeting President Cottle had to jump start our car and we went to Pep Boys to get an oil change and a new battery. We raced home and headed to dinner. Then after dinner we had to add the zone's numbers for the week all before 10:00.
I'm doing well and I've been busy but I'm learning lots and I love you guys!!!
-Elder Hill
quote of the week: "There's no growth in the comfort zone, and theres no comfort in the growth zone:)"
#ZLishard #newchallenge
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