This past week was another pressure filled week but now as the week is done we can now take a sigh of relief as things slow down a little bit. On Thursday we had Zone Training meeting which was the first ZTM I was in charge of and there is alot of small details that go into a meeting and we had to take care of all of them but I like having responsibility so even though we had alot to do I wouldn't have it any other way. Before ZTM while we were waiting for everyone to arrive I was shooting and it as people started to come in I was able to get a a quick game in of 21 before ZTM. So you could imagine that my face is a bit red and sweaty and to start the meeting I said..." Don't worry I'm not sweating cause I'm nervous but I'm sweating from the game" but anyway I gave a training on the importance of our investigators knowing our purpose when we teach and also how to ask people to be baptized. It went pretty well and the other trainings given at ZTM were truly profound and we were told it was one of the best that they have ever gone to! Woo! Later that day we had mission prep where us missionaries were preparing some members in the ward for their missions.
Friday was definitely a super cool day! Elder Child and I were stretching the norms for missionary work where we had an investigator that is passionate about sharing the gospel and he put himself on date for baptism which has never happened to Elder Child or myself. But after our lesson he asked" Where else do you have to go tonight?" And we said to a recent converts house and then it us to take him with us so that Mary (Recent convert) could share her experiences with the church. So it was the first nonmember present haha. Cause normally the member takes us to the teaching appointment but instead our investigator came with us to the member so it was a very spiritual experience.
On Sunday Jazmine is on date for March 3rd came to Sacrament meeting even though she said she couldnt make it and so she is really doing well. The Flatrock ward is super awesome and the message for Sunday was finding inner peace and it was very powerful. Later that day Elder Child and I went and gave the Sacrament to Sister Seeley who was in a car accident that was devastating. We gave them a blessing last week and the moment I saw how much better she looked was the moment my testimony of blessings was strengthened she testified of how powerful the blessing was and it was really cool. Then later that night we went to the Meadows, who was a member in the ward and the conversation shifted to family history work get this... He got his patriarchal blessing from Willard Grant Smith and I wasd like what!!! I'm related to him and we were freaking out cause of how the connections! He also showed us his porche GT3 and one day he promised us a joy ride!
Then today we went to the national infantry museum and mann.... the more time I serve around military bases the stronger my love for this country is. We are going through some rough times but we are still free and still enjoy the freedom of religion and many other freedoms that other countries dont have. They had exhibits for all the wars that the U.S has been apart of and it feels like you were there. The different artillery and weapons over time were so cool and they had a Vietnam exhibit where it felt like you were in the jungles of Vietnam and I could get a sense of what it was like.
I LOVE YOU GUYS and the church is true!!
-Elder Hill
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