Spring is definitely in the air here in Georgia and you can see it everywhere you go! The pollen here is so thick that it actually is a yellow covering on the cars when you come outside in the morning which is pretty crazy! I asked someone about it this week and they said its from all the pine trees here and I believed them cause there sure are a ton! But surprisingly my allergies(my eyes) have flared up yet so maybe it was just an allergy I grew out of but yeah spring is in the air and on the cars for sure:) So to answer your question on drivers out here lets just say that they are pretty crazy and you definitely have to be on your toes! For one thing the blinker might as well not even be there, the speed limit is just a suggestion, and cars cut in front of you all the time hahah ( That would be a fun time for Dad). I'm not sure when people cut y'all off it makes you made but its becoming increasingly a temperamental issue haha. It like people just feel your space is there's and they shoot the gap without a blinker or a wave.... haha I've been the driver in the companionship for about 7 months now and Im getting to be a pretty good driver. I can see how NASCAR became a sport in the south though because there are very long country roads with trees lining the roads and no cops in sight, dont worry guys I wont get a ticket haha:) I loved those pictures you sent with the family! Y'all are looking great! The dirt bike looks like a blast, and way to go Michelle on that award!! Don't spend it all in one place:) Tell me how the Provo dedication will go cause I've seen the walk through of the temple on lds.org and it is so pretty, and we've gotta go when we get back!
This week has been another busy week here in the mission but being busy with work is a really good thing!!
On Tuesday Elder Child and I went on exchanges with the AP's for a day, Elder Holt and Elder Bingham. They are super cool guys!! We met at a halfway point between Macon and Columbus to exchange. We met at a Subway for lunch and when we got there this guy offered to pay for our sandwiches and I didn't know what to say because it was so generous of him. It turns out he was the bishop in Warner Robbins and we just happened to meet at the same Subway, at exactly the same time. Crazy stuff! But I went on exchanges with Elder Holt and I was an AP for a day! Elder Holt played basketball in high school and you could say we had a lot to talk about! I spent the day in Macon meeting their investigators. There was the Face2Face with Elder Holland for the YSA that we watched at the mission office! It was really good and it was cool to me how centered the gospel should be in the relationship because every time Elder Holland answered a question it was centered on an aspect of the gospel.
On Elder Holt and I started the day off right with P-90x and an omelet, couldn't go wrong with that:) We exchanged back and had a quick lunch before heading out to go see Mary. We got to her house and she was crying about issues with custody with her two daughters. We both felt bad for her and wanted the best for her. It really kind of taught me a lesson that the relationship/ marriage should be centered on Christ that way both spouses have the same goal. And it wasn't that way in Mary's case. We had dinner with a member in our ward, the Witbecks! They just got called to go to the Nauvoo, Illinois mission to be a guide at the visitors center! We were so happy for them!! We had some taco soup that tasted just like a Hill recipe:) Later that night we practiced the Sister in Zion and Army of Helaman medley for Ward conference on Sunday and it was pretty powerful!
On Thursday we had ZTM and preparing for ZTM this week was so hard because we really had no time together to plan our training's or the order of it. Plus we had like 20 boxes of supplies for the zone and it just took a toll on both of us! The meeting went pretty well and I'm getting better at giving training's and talking in front of people. I talked about how we are faced with trials and how we can get through them. I used an analogy with a roller coaster and how the good ones we go on are the ones with crazy loops and spins, and relating that with missionary work if our mission was just a straight line with no loops or turns, when we got off the ride we wouldn't have experienced much. So those trials we go through make us remember our mission and in a way we should be grateful for them because they allow us to get stronger. I then went on exchanges with Elder Sorenson after ZTM and met a really nice lady in a wheelchair that I was prompted to talk to. She was really interested and she loved that" there are still nice people in the world today."We had a great time on exchanges and helped a family that lives right below our apartment move to the Witbecks home while they are on their missions.
Friday we exchanged back in Buena Vista and on the way there we drove on some really REALLY back country roads with house and mounds of wood (what used to be houses). It was so cool to see all those old buildings that were probably built in the 1800's. Later that day we saw Mary again and helped her move a bed in her house and talked. We ate dinner with the Stevens and we talked all about Logan and if you are able to, you should go to their homecoming talk. They go home either this week or next week. They are in the Green Canyon Stake 3rd ward and they cook really well! They are such great people!!
Saturday we drove to Alabama for a spot check with one of our companionship and the drive their is so cool because of how country it is! We got back and tracted a bit in a neighborhood and met some really great people and in the span of 2 hours we taught 7 lessons!!! Every persons door we knocked on opened and listened to our message. Tender mercies from the Lord! We then went to go to Ft Benning to get Elder Bailey and Elder Timothy who were meeting us at a military surplus store and in that store we saw trons of military supplies. We had a movie night with our investigators where we watched Meet the Mormons and it was really good!!
Sunday was really fun!!! We sang at the ward conference and the spirit was so strong!! After sacrament we left for Ft Benning and President and Sister Cottle were there to say bye to the Stevens and they experienced how awesome Ft Benning is! President Cottle talked about how we are all representing something and we all have people we look up and we need to be an example to everyone around us! It was a lot of fun spending time with the Cottles!! We also met with another military family and had a great dinner with them!
-Elder Mitchell Hill
#Putyourshouldertothewheel #jealousofthedirtbike #BetterdriverthanKevin
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Exchanges with the AP's! |
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Sweet Home Alabama! |
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