The weather has really
been nice recently and everyone that we've been talking to has been
saying that spring is here lasts for about 1 month and a half before it
starts to get really hot again, so we are enjoying the weather while we
can:) Yeah we have daylight saving time but we changed our clocks last
week. Actually we had a funny story with that haha so last week before
we left for home, some members reminded us that we needed to move our
clocks forward and we got busy and forgot to so we woke up thinking it
was just another Sunday until Anna Harrell, a member here, asked if we
are coming to practice for our musical number at church... it was about
8;50 on our clocks and 9;50 to everyone else. So we rushed to church
just in time to make it but don't worry we made it on time and the clocks
are where they should be now. But I'm glad that your asking more
questions about the home so just keep me updated:) The Beauty and the
Beast concert sounds fun and so does Glenn Beck. I listened to his
conversion story this past week actually and it is really good so if you
haven't heard it, I highly recommend it. But that's really cool Kevin
got to be a security guard that's soo cool so maybe now he might get into
the weight room hahaha.
This past week had
lots of changes in it and it was also a really memorable week for me!
Elder Child and I peaked in terms of numbers and we went above and
beyond our goals which is always a good thing especially in the last
week of the transfer.
On Tuesday I went on
exchanges to Phoenix City with Elder Godderidge. I'm not sure if you
remember me talking about him much but I served with him when I was in
Waynesboro and we got to be companions for a day which was really fun!
They are solely biking elders so we rode bikes all day in the hills of Phoenix City. We met lots of nice people and less active members that
they were teaching. He took me on this one hill in which everyone calls
it suicide hill because once you go down it the brakes on your bike cant
slow it down. At the bottom of the hill is a very busy road and lets
just say it was a very exhilarating experience. I'll show you a picture
but the picture doesn't do it justice haha. Later that night we went to a
members house for dinner and we talked alot about careers and healthy
eating habits so you know I was intrigued with that. They have some
pretty cute kids in their family.
Wednesday we
switched back in the morning and then we had district meeting. After we
had the last district meeting of the transfer Elder Timothy and I went
on exchanges while Elder Child and Elder Bailey went to Cusseta. Elder
Timothy and I visited lots of potential investigators and we talked to a
recent convert Eric about Easter and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. WE
shared with him Mosiah 3:7-8 and talked about how much Jesus Christ
loves us and that he knows what we are going through everyday. Without
Jesus Christ we wouldn't have the opportunity to live back with our
Father in Heaven but because he took upon the sins of the world, died on
the cross, and rose the third day we can live again too after we pass
away. We also met a potential investigator Oz White who has been
Methodist all his life but is very intrigued with the fact that Jesus
Christ visited the people in America after he was resurrected, so we
taught him about the Restoration of the gospel and we will see what
happens with him.
Thursday we helped move a
member that lives right below us in our apartment complex and it was
really hard to see them go but we are happy that they are still in our
ward, but sad to see them leave the apartment complex. After we helped
move their house we went to another members place, the Johnsons to help
her with some lawn work because she broke her foot and need some limbs
trimmed. After a day of service we met a lot of people in the psan of
about 3 hours. WE went to this neighborhood to tract and every door was
receptive to the message and we taught many lessons in a very short
amount of time.
Friday we drove to Alabama to
check up on some missionaries serving over there and on the drive there
you cross the Chattahoochee river and it made me think that country
song. I dont know if you know the one I'm talking about but the
Chattahoochee river is pretty massive! But after that we planned for the
day and met with some more investigators we were teaching.
was another busy day where we helped the Red Cross put fire alarms in
peoples houses again. It was the last one of the year and we had a good
time! We first went to this apartment complex and every room we went
into smelt really gross, and the space for their room was really small
and it just wasnt that pleasant but we helped give them protection from
fire and moved on. WE then later that day taught a guy named Clinton. He
is a solider and his buddy came with him. Clinton is very interested in
the church and wants to know more sso we both are excited for that.
Later that night we had transfer calls and even though I knew I was
going to stay your always nervous and anxious for the call. But sadly
Elder Childs name was called and I'll be getting a new companion in the
coming days. I was think about how many comapnions I've had in my
mission and in 6 transfers I've had 5 companions and the next one will
be my sixth. So my conclusion is that I must be a rough one:) I'm just
kidding but I can adapt to change pretty well I'd say and I'm blessed
with the ability to do that.
Sunday was another
amazing day and a day I probably wont forgot! We got to church and we
had 5 investigators at church and every single one of them wanted to
come again and know more which is very exciting!! After Sacrament
meeting I went to fort Benning for the baptism of Matthew Newell. I
interviewed him and he was so ready to be apart of Christs church back
on the earth. Then after the interview I was able to baptize a Matthew
Newell! I was so happy for him and its the feeling. He told me after
that he just feels more clean and at peace and I was really happy for
him. I also was able to confirm him a member of the church and the
spirit was really strong and its cool how words just come to your head
when you're giving a blessing! Its pretty cool! I was really excited to
stand in the water with a solider and baptize him it was a pretty
amazing experience. After the service we went back to Columbus and
exchanged back and said bye to members for Elder Child. Its going to be
hard seeing him go because of all the fun times we've had but I know my
next companion will be cool too!!
-Elder Mitchell Hill
#Transfers # Baptismsareawesome #missbasketball
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Baptism of Matthew Newell! |
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Couldn't have said it better! |
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Going Down Suicide Hill! |
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