WOOOOOOOHOOOO! That is soooo exciting! That made my day and I'm sooo excited to go there it will be great! Thanks for all your hard work and helping me get applied haha whats a family for:) Im sooo excited to be a Utah State Aggie! Y'alls week sounds pretty awesome as well and sometimes there are normal weeks and there are for a missionary too, but it still sounds like it was full of work and fun. But my week had some pretty impactful moments and I got called to be a trainer and train a brand new missionary for the last 3 months of my mission and I'll remain as the district leader. So I'll be pretty busy over the next few months, just the way I like it haha! Im excited to finish my mission training and there is no better way to go out. Its interesting cause Elder Hinton (my 1st half trainer) ended his mission training me and I'm ending my mission training. My life is full of full circle endings.
As for me and my week...
On Monday, we went up to Douglas for P-day because Elder Irons had a teeth cleaning and so we all went up to Douglas! It was a lot of fun and I miss being with other missionaries because in Alma you are 20 miles away from any other missionary so I'm always grateful to see some old friends. We played lots of basketball and Im so ready to have he opportunity to play at Utah State when I get back. It is something 'Im preparing pretty hard for, but we played some basketball and had fun getting some exercise in. That night we had dinner at the Taylor's and we were able to watch some Mormon messages about the Will of God and how important for us to understand that we must submit our will to the Lords will and he knows whats best for us. He wont lead us astray and even though the path may not be what you have in mind it is the plan that God has in store for you. If we fully submit ourselves then he will bless us for the sacrifice and humility that we show and we will be blessed according our obedience.
On Tuesday, we had the last district meeting of the transfer. It is pretty crazy how fast time is flying because it feels like just yesterday that I got to Alma and all of a sudden I only have two more transfers... I'm really trying to enjoy the moment because I know that this is one of the most purposeful and joyous experiences of my life and I'm sooo grateful I came on a mission. But district meeting was very spiritual as we talked about converts and how we can have the faith to find converts on our missions. We also talked about repentance and how we can help our investigators and members we come in contact with understand the necessity to repent. I read a quote this week talking about how God shouldn't be viewed as a "repairman" where we only go to him in times of distress or grief, but we should turn to him as a child would to a father. That night we went back to Hazlehurst for a branches movie night. We watched a movie called "Let it Go"(Don't worry we got it approved to watch). If you want to see a true story of how man exemplifies the concept of repentance watch that movie. The man in the story is Chris Williams and his family gets killed in a car crash from a drunk driver and he has to find a way to rebuild his life and figure out a way to cope with losing his "life" essentially. He ends up forgiving the drunk driver and he moves on with a perfect brightness of hope. Its a pretty remarkable story so if you have a free night tonight you should definitely see it. Then that night we went on exchanges with Baxley and I went with Elder Matthes back to Alma.
On Wednesday, I got a call from President Grayson and he asked me if I'd like to be a trainer... I was very excited and I accepted the calling to be a trainer. I am somewhat nervous about training again, but I know that God will help me. I'm very excited! we started off the day by walking to Sister Rewis' home to help her out with picking up her pine cones. She was so grateful and loves any helps she receives. Later that day we tried sharing the gospel with everyone that we saw. Some people rejected it but the important part is that we are out sharing it. We talked with this man named Shawn Greene and after we shared a brief explanation of the Restoration he said I had no idea that God has a prophet on the earth today. We testified of having am modern day moses day and that God speaks through a prophet to day and he was fascinated. So we are excited to continue working with him. He wasn't able to come to conference but hopefully we can show him some clips sometime this week. That night we exchanged back in Baxley and the Baxley Elders had an interesting interaction with a few pastors and devoted members to their church. After the exchange Elder Showers bore powerful testimony of why this church is the Lords church. Some people will reject the truth and it is prophesied that they will but its our job to do our best and if we have done our absolute best that is all we can do. That night Brother Roberson came to the church at 8:00p.m and we went over to Sister Rweis' to build her a railing off her porch so that she can walk down the steps without falling. It was such a spiritual experience and I'll share a quote that she said that touched me she said..."The LDS church has people that love everyone, what other church will come at 9:00 at night to build a railing for someone?" We sang we thank thee Oh God for a Prophet and the spirit was strong and she had tears rolling down her cheek and it made you feel super fulfilled.
On Thursday, we had a pretty fun morning where we went to the busiest street in Alma and we held up "honk if you love Jesus" signs!! It was a pretty amazing experience! So many people loved the enthusiasm we had for Christ and it made a lot of people who had a frown turned that frown upside down. The little small town of Alma turned quickly into New York City! There was a semi truck driver who radioed to all his trucking friends that to be on the lookout for two missionaries and make sure to honk at them! It was pretty awesome!! Elder Irons and I wrote a letter to Austin to explain our feeling and we hope that he can feel of our love for him but more importantly Gods love for him. We tried meeting with Carl White that night, but he wasn't home but we got to meet a retired Army vet who loved Christ appreciated what we do and he prayed for us. We saw the Vanovers that night and they have a son who is learning how to ride a bike and we rode along side of him trying to teach him how to pedal. Who better to teach a young boy how to ride than missionaries haha.
On Friday, we woke up early in the morning and we traveled to the mission home in Macon for the trainer/ trainee meeting. There are 6 missionaries coming into the mission, 4 Sister and 2 Elders and I chosen to be one of the trainers for the Elders. It was a very humbling experience, out of all the great missionaries we have in the mission I was called to train. I am excited for this great time in my mission and it will definitely help me to finish strong and learn a lot from the end of my mission. Its pretty crazy because I trained in Elder Showers and both of the people I've trained with be in the same district which is pretty crazy.
On Saturday and Sunday, I thoroughly enjoyed conference some quotes that really hit me were...
-"Come as you are, but don't plan to stay where you are..."-Jeffrey R. Holland
-“Faith is a principle of power,” “What can faith accomplish? The list is almost endless. -Quentin L.Cook
-“Over time, simple habits of belief lead to miraculous results. They transform our faith from a seedling into a dynamic power for good in our lives,” L. Whitney Clayton.
-"Without Christ we can not reach our dream in this life."
This conference really spoke to me and I know that this is where I need to be. The Book of Mormon is true and this church is Christ church established on the earth. Alot of the things we hear in conference may come off as I already know this, but repetition is how we grow and develop. Step by step precept upon precept is how we learn. The Plan of Salvation is the way we find happiness in this life and the more we can understand Christs Atonement the better we can understand our purpose in life!!
Also I just wanted to say that it will be VERY hard saying bye to Elder Irons tomorrow. He has an amazing testimony and he definitely wants to serve in the best way. I have learned so much from him and I'm grateful for the time we have had together. He has blessed me and my mission and he has definitely played a huge role in my testimony. I will miss him for sure , but its not goodbye its see ya later!
Also I just wanted to say that it will be VERY hard saying bye to Elder Irons tomorrow. He has an amazing testimony and he definitely wants to serve in the best way. I have learned so much from him and I'm grateful for the time we have had together. He has blessed me and my mission and he has definitely played a huge role in my testimony. I will miss him for sure , but its not goodbye its see ya later!
I LOVE Y'ALL and thanks for everything!!
-Elder Hill
#Training! #Almaisdabest
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Built Sister Rewis' Railings! Alma GA |
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Gonna Miss the Kid! Alma Ga |
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Elders Hill and Irons in the weeds! Alma GA |
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Storms on the way to Alma Ga! |
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Trainee meeting April 2017 |
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Would you Honk? Alma, GA |
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