But this past week we have done A LOT of bike riding and it has been a very hot and humid week full of gnats!
On Monday, We had a pretty fun P-Day and we went up to Douglas and spent P-day up there smashing cars again at the junkyard! We were successful in flipping a van and I took of video of me smashing the vans window. It was pretty fun!! Y'all will have to watch the video of Elder Showers and I going to town! It definitely helps you get all the frustration out!
On Tuesday, We went back up to Douglas and had interviews with President Grayson, it was a very spiritual interview and it really confirmed to me that I was doing a good job being a district leader and trainer. Training has really brought me a lot of happiness and kept me focused on the work here. I'm really trying to finish strong, cause when you see the finish line you don't just lazily walk there YOU SPRINT!!! But President Grayson has really helped and benefited my testimony in Jesus Christ. When we got back from interviews Elder McGee and I rode around Alma and we had some appointments cancel that day and a lot of people weren't home, but we kept on working and found some really "interesting people". The highlight of the day however was meeting with Sue Evans that night. We met Sue last week and after extending a Book of Mormon to her she had read through 1 Nephi in 2 days!! She was asking questions such as " Why is a prophet important to have?" Also she asked questions about the gathering of Israel and she asked us if we were the gentiles that it speaks of. After we helped answer her questions she talked about how much the Book of Mormon means to her and that she knows its true! I know that Sue is someone that was prepared for me to find on my mission and hopefully we will be able to help her receive covenants with God. So I'll keep y'all up to date with that! Its also fun going out to Sues trailer because we have to ride out on either a major US highway or on a dirt road. Most of the time we take the dirt road cause its safer and more fun but sometimes we take the highway and its always an intense experience. Dont worry y'all I wont get hit again haha.
On Wednesday, we had district meeting in Hazlehurst and it was a very good district meeting. Its always fun getting together as district here in the McRae district cause we don't see each other that often and its one of the few times we do and it really helps us feel strengthened in our own struggles and trials. We talked a lot about using members and also increasing our faith for the area and talking about how its "your" mission and that you shouldn't rate the success of your mission because you didn't baptize as many people but just be obedient, try your best, and serve God and the events that happen in your mission are events that God wants you to go through. We went on exchanges with Elder Showers and with Elder Matthes. I went with Elder Matthes back to Alma and we had a pretty good day! I learned a lot from him and we helped each other as we went through our plans for the day. We taught Doroty who accepted to be baptized and we are working with her to be baptized on June 3rd. She wants to baptized and we talked about 2 Nephi 31 and testified of baptism. She seemed to retain a good number of it so hopefully she will continue to have that desire to be like Jesus Christ and be baptized. We also went to go see Velvet and Katherine but they weren't feeling well and we went to dinner with the Juarez'. They are preparing to go to the temple and we testified of the temple and it made me excited to go when I get back!We helped Brother Roberson finish Sister Rewis railings and they sure do look great and she is excited to have them be done! We went and saw the Lassters and watched a video on how we should follow the prophet and guidance from church leaders.
On Thursday, we biked out to Sue Evans' house early in the morning and had a a great lesson with her she is all the way up to the book of Jacob and when we were soooo happy for her she just said "I love to read" and she is definitely becoming converted to the gospel at a later time in her life and she is special! When we went out there her neighbor who raises honeybees and makes honey gave us a fresh local jar of honey that made me miss Cox's honey-land, but it was still sooo goood! We saw Sister Burkett and talked about Mosiah chapter 2 and she really appreciated our visit! We exchange back and we met with Austin later that day and talked with him about temples as we helped him put a door on a car. That night we went out with Brother Roberson out to scuffletown and met with the Jewells and had a great lesson with them and they bonded super well. We talked about prophets and its very exciting to see their faith grow. Watching peoples lives change through the gospel is a miraculous event and you can physically see a change in how they act and how their priorities are. Brother Roberson was huge in that lesson and really bonded well with them.
On Friday, we planned and went out to lunch with Brother Morris. He sure is a great guy and we even talked with a lady who is the newspaper writer for Alma and got us a hookup to volunteer to pick blueberries for the farmers here so hopefully we can do that in the coming weeks too! We met with Austin later that day and finished helping him with the car and we set up his family history account. He was excited to start it and get his family connected through the church. WE biked all across Alma on friday and it was a very hot and humid day and its not even bad yet so hopefully God will give me strength to manage the bugs down yonder.
On Saturday, we started the day off by helping the elderly people play Bingo and they all greeted us and they were happy that we came cause we haven't been in a few weeks. We had very full day and we after Bingo we met with many different investigators. We received a referral and we contacted that day and their kids were playing basketball and used my talent to help get them interesting in who were and we connected super well and she wants us to come back Tuesday to talk about the Plan of Salvation which was pretty neat. The highlight of the day was meeting with Regina Brehm and her daughter who just got out of prison. We went through how to begin teaching and right in the beginning of the lesson they accepted to be baptized if they found these things to be true! We went over 2Nephi 4 and she really loved the message. We figured out a way to help her out with her move in Jacksonville Florida and the missionaries over there will be helping her out today. We also later that night tracted into this one lady who was headed to the hospital and prayed for God to help her and then we knocked on her door. She said he father was recently baptized in Waycross and she was looking into the church. Is it odd or is it God that we met haha?? But it was a spiritual contact and not all of the contacts you make as a missionary are memorable but that one was.
On Sunday, it was a great meeting at church and the branches faith is growing in numbers and testimony. The Spirit sure was strong and the gospel is such and important piece of my life now and its everything. I know why I'm in the church and I hope that every member has a sure foundation in the church cause this church won't fall in these last days. We biked quite a bit on Sunday and had a lot of appointments fall through but met some great potential investigators and it was a great day!
The church is true and I'm grateful for each day I have to serve! I sure do love y'all
-Elder Hill
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Demolition Crew, Alma, GA - April 2017 |
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Elder Hill, Alma, GA, April 2017 |
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Interviews with President, April 2017 |
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Southern Honey! April 2017, Alma GA |
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The Country, Alma GA, April 2017 |
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Ballers! Alma, GA, April 2017 |
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