Its crazy to think that conference is already around the corner! Its definitely starting to get hotter here in the south and I'm not sure if I'm ready for all the humidity and gnats. The gnats are already bad and its hard to believe that they will get even worse. It gets to the point that you have gnats crawling all over your face and that just becomes normal and you hardly recognize that they are there. But it should be good just walk fast right?? My week had some pretty dramatic events this past week, but it was still a really good week. Time keeps on flying by as it normally does now and its crazy to think that next week is transfers, more than likely I'll be staying but I'll probably be getting a new companion. I've really really enjoyed my time with Elder Irons and hopefully this upcoming couple of transfers I'll receive another great companion.
But now for the week...
On Monday, we went over to Brother Taylor's house for dinner. He invited his sister to dinner and we had a really memorable time laughing and talking. We watch "spiritual whirlwinds" on the Mormon channel watch/series/mormon-messages/s piritual-whirlwinds and Brother Taylors Sister really enjoyed the message of the video. I love the scripture in Helaman 5:12 and its so important that our foundation is founded on Jesus Christ. Its so easy sometimes to let our guard down and we find our self wander from Gods embracing love but if we correct what needs correcting and turn to him he will strengthen us no matter who we are, where we come from. What a promise! We also went by Brother Sermons home and dropped him off a plate of food and he was really grateful to receive that.
On Tuesday, We had Zone Conference in Tifton, GA. It was such a spiritual meeting and the mission is definitely becoming more unified and one in our efforts. The training's were really well-done and very inspired. We talked about the first few moments with people we meet or are teaching and how we can improve our teaching pattern. We talked alot about exchanges and the important role that the leaders play in delivering the goal of the mission to the missionaries. President Grayson shared a very cool piece of information with us, he showed us the number of baptisms that were recorded in February 2016 which was 13 and in February 2017 it was 26. When Elder Uceda came to the mission back in September he told us that if we as missionaries would work with members more, watch the PMG (Preach My Gospel) videos every day that our baptisms in this mission would double. We are seeing that play out right before our eyes. Either those people were just ready or we as a mission are truly applying what we have been taught into our everyday missionary efforts. Elder Weston was there and it was awesome being able to catch up with him. He told me that Dan Nguyen in Evans, is now the YSA representative and is enrolled in institute!! It made me feel so happy for Dan that she is enjoying the gospel so much and its amazing to see how she has changed ever since she was baptized! President Grayson talked to us a lot about where we are and where we need to be. The Spirit was so strong when he told us about the power in the scriptures and you can tell that not only does he know the scriptures but that he loves them which is what you need to really bring the Spirit in to the teaching environment.
On Wednesday, Elder Irons and I walked all over Alma like we normally do trying to share what we know to be true. On the way into Alma we walk on Highway 32 for about a half mile and around this time of year there are lots of peanut trucks that fly down the highway and they always spill a few peanuts as they go toward Douglas or wherever they are going and so Elder Irons and I ate the peanuts that had fallen out of the peanut trucks for a nice snack before we went out to work. I'm pretty sure people thought we were crazy eating peanuts off the road but the shell is the only thing on the ground and we ate the nut so we thought it was alright if we ate them:) We went over to Austins house and he told us some information that would conflict with him being baptized. We weren't sure what to do so we talked to our branch about it and they told us that we shouldn't go over to Austins house anymore and maybe we should discontinue teaching for the moment until he is out of the situation. It was really hard to take in because we have worked really hard with Austin and he has progressed so much so to go from seeing him 3-4 times a week to all of a sudden abruptly stop teaching was really hard information to hear, especially when the branch has told you that's what you should do and it puts you between a rock and a hard place. So I'll tell you a jist of what happened on Thursday. We then got a call from a member in Douglas who needed us to give a blessing to her daughter in the hospital who was having a rough time with her kidneys. We gave her a blessing and the spirit was very strong. I thought a lot about the concept of faith in a blessing and the role that it plays its so important to have faith and that you don't doubt anything.
On Thursday, we had an interesting encounter with a man named Shawn White and it was kind of an awkward first visit. Not that anything in missionary is awkward but we were walking by and we passed Shawn's car when he got out of the car. Elder Irons and I have made a goal of talking with everyone so after we walked passed his car we turned around and talked with him. Even though it started off kind of awkward cause we turned around when we saw hm get out of the car it turned out to be a really good visit and he wants to come to church! Saying things is a lot easier than doing them but it sounds like he was pretty genuine and he wants to come so we will look forward to working more with him. We then had some lunch with some members in Douglas which was a pretty good time. We then met with Austin and I wont go into all the details but it did not go well at all and after we told him that we weren't comfortable in coming over anymore he stormed/ cussed us out and went towards the highway, so for now Austin is on hold and we will let time heal. He still knows the church is true, but maybe it just wasn't his time yet to be harvested. That night we met a man named Carl White and we had a great conversation with him about how repentance is related to polishing a car and he seemed to like it and he invited us back to teach him more.
On Friday, the highlight of the day was going over to the Jewell's home and reading with them the story of Enos and showing them the example of repentance. WE also planned and had a really spiritual experience and the next week will be great with conference coming up.
On Saturday, we played Bingo at the nursing home. The lady I was playing for screamed when I told her that she won and she hugged me haha it was pretty great! We met with Eva Johnson that day and we talked alot about the gospel and she was amazing! She is really interested in family history and I don't know much about it but if yall know any tips or if Grandma Hill knows anything about it she would sure be great. We have been trying really hard to find people genuinely interested in what we share but more or less they all have a church but you have to have faith and I know that people will come around in Gods timing. We taught people in some project neighborhoods and also in gas stations testifying of Gods plan for us. So many people think the fall of Adam and Eve was some terrible thing and yet Adam did sin without that we wouldn't be here and its important that the world has joy and that this life was meant for joy!
On Sunday, we had a really spiritual Sunday. Elder Irons and I sang " We will bring the World His Truth" and it turned out pretty well. We aren't the best singers in the world but we got er' done. We had a great lesson with Carl Whites family and we testified of the Book of Mormon and they really enjoyed our visit. They plan on coming to conference so we will see what happens with that. I'm really excited for conference and the spiritual moment that it will be. I cant believe its my last one on my mission and I'm going to get as much out of it as I can.
Thank y'all for all that you do. I know that the more effort you put into something the more you get out of it. God definitely answers prayers and have faith and nourish that seed of faith. I LOVE Y'ALL and I hope y'all have a great week!!
-Elder Hill
#gnatsaredumb #summeraroundthebend.
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Elder Hill and Elder Irons, Alma GA March 2017 |
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I'm Outta Here! March 2017 Alma GA |
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We Out Here!! Alma GA, March 2017 |
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Zone Conference March 2017 |
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