I'm doing great and the work here is doing great as well. Its nice feeling well enough to go and work again I sure had a lot of bottled up energy and it was nice to get a lot of it out. The storms here haven't really hit Alma we have ha a few showers but nothing too dramatic. My wrist is healing well and the swelling has gone down completely, my next appointment is Wednesday in the afternoon and they may take out the staples depending on how the scar is healing. My right arm is doing a lot better, I've been very careful with it and trying to ice it as much as possible. As time went on I've gone from being able to shoot or extend my arm to today being able to shoot without hardly any pain which was an answer to my prayer. I'm glad that y'all enjoyed the Skype call cause I did as well!! Thanks for looking into seeing the orthopedic surgeons I appreciate it. I did send a package today and it should get there on Thursday so be looking for one. But life is going good, I'm not gonna lie its really hard for me not to be able to play basketball at this point in my mission but I know that I'm going through this for a reason and that God doesn't give us a trial we cant overcome so as time goes on I will figure out the reason behind it.
This past week has been rejuvenating to be honest because we have put in a full weeks work full of work. It was hard not sharing the gospel when I was recovering and its crazy how your thoughts wander when you're going through something like surgery. Lots of fears come through you head, but just as fast as they came into your mind they can leave just as fast with a ray of hope. I've tried really hard to choose happiness and be happy and as I've done that the Lord always helps me feel strengthened and guided as I go through my day. I've learned that just as soon as you get frustrated is to stop take a breath, and focus on the now and things work out for you. We have had some really solid lessons this week with Sue Evans. We worked really hard to get a member to come with us to her lesson and Brother Lassiter was able to come. Sue really felt the Spirit and watching the Restoration really helped her feel the Spirit and she now understands why the First Vision was important. We also talked about pioneer stories and how the Salt Lake City temple was built in 40 years! She is all the way up to Helaman 14 in the Book of Mormon and is loving it! We just have to help her find clothes she likes to come to church in. But we are working on that. We also had a great lesson with Cynthia. As soon as we pulled up she was in tears because the doctors said they cant do anything else for her dad and he might pass away soon. We planned on reading from the Book of Mormon but the Spirit told us we need to teach the Plan of Salvation. We testified of restored truths and our purpose in this life. She said she learned quite a bit and felt comforted to know where her dad would be when he departed from this life. Well the next day we decide to call her and invite her to church and she said her dad passed away... It was crazy that we talked about where he would be when he passed away and then that night he was there. We said a prayer for her and she was glad she was supported by us in that time in her life.
Then on the flip side from going to a very spiritual experience like that to seeing the Joyners and the circus that was in that home. We walked in and talked to Ms. Joyner and after talking with her for a bit we were surrounded by kids without clothes on holding dogs, cats, and pigs while you're trying to teach Ms. Joyners about God. All the while its 100 degrees, humid and swatting the gnats away from your face. At the climax of all the commotion I leaned to Elder Showers and said "Where is this in the Peach My Gospel DVD's?" Pigs, dogs, and cats in your face trying to focus on the lesson but too many distractions were there.
Because of this broken wrist I'm always going to be grateful for my health. I was listening to some hymns and Count your blessings came on and I thought of the truthfulness of the words. We are blessed with so many things sometimes we need to remember how merciful Gods been to us. We were invited to a Methodist church on Sunday and we went and I talked with the pastors wife about what we do and after a 20 minute conversation she told her husband we might go to the Mormon church next week. She was shocked when she heard I haven't seen my family in 2 years. But going to that church was great and I love experiencing how different churches worship. We all have so much alike but the restored church offers more and we are able to progress.
A scripture that really helped me through this week was Romans 5:2-5 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace where in we stand, and rejoice in ho pe of the glory of God.3 And n ot only so, but we glory in tr ibulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:5 And hope m aketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
I know that we all have experiences and trials that are in our lives, but God wants us to learn and the only way we learn is through mistakes and choosing faith in that trial. Hope is essential to our happiness in this life and people will look at your example going through that trial and may be inspired to overcome the challenges they face because of how you've handled it. Keep life simple.
I love you sooo much and I know that the church is true!
-Elder Hill
#watchoutformailboxes #NothinlikeAlma #gnatsarebad
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Dirt Roads! Elder Hill and Elder Showers! Alma, GA - May 2017 |
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Graduation after 2 years! Alma, GA - May 2017 |
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Elder Hill - Alma, GA - May 2017 |