What a memorable week that I had... I cannot believe that it is already May and its amazing how fast time goes. I know I keep saying that but really it is becoming more and more real that over a month and a half this journey I'm on will come to an end, however the person I've became and the testimony I have will always be strong.
As for me and my week here is what happened...
On Monday, Elder McGee and I did lots of errands without a car and walked all over Alma trying to get things done. We spent P-day walking across Alma and walking our groceries back from the store, after a member couldn't help us drive the groceries back. Even though plans changed we still made it a good memorable time and tried to look at the glass half full. That night we went to the Jewells and had dinner and a lesson with them. They have been doing sooo good and they have been praying and reading the Book of Mormon. If y'all can this week pray that Sister Jewell will be able to change her schedule at work so that she can come to church on Sundays. But she has been doing so great and has read up to 1 Nephi 25 in the Book of Mormon which is very exciting!
On Tuesday, we had district meeting in Hazlehurst and it was the last one of the transfer. The district is in a very unique situation and because we live so far away we dont see each other that often, but even though we don't see each other that often we have a really strong connection with each other which is really powerful. Elder McGee gave his first training as a missionary and he did a great job talking about developing good habits and how developing good habits on your mission will translate to great habits after the mission. Sister John talked about the importance of working with members and how when we strive to have good relationships with members that God will consecrate and bless the members and the missionaries there. I gave a training on planning and how when we plan and after the manner in which we plan we show the Lord our dedication and willingness to follow the will of the Father. I went on exchanges with Elder Showers and its always a good time being able to be companions with him again. We met with a lot of great people. We received a referral and it was to a person we already met with and so we already had a good relationship with this person and so when we came by to deliver the bible she was thrilled to see at how fast it came. Her comment went along the lines of "Y'all are faster than UPS!" We shared with a her a spiritual thought and she was grateful to receive the bible. Whats cool was is that we asked her if she found the things in the Book of Mormon to be true then we asked if she would be baptized and she accepted and we are meeting with her this week on Wednesday and we are excited for that visit. We also met with Sue Evans and she is doing fantastic and is loving reading the Book of Mormon she is all the way up to Alma chapter 26 in 17 days and she isnt only just reading but she is comprehending it and asking questions!! Elder Showers and I met with Austin and talked about patriarchal blessings and all the promises that are within them if we are faithful to the gospel. He is excited to receive his following his baptism! We felt prompted to go finding and we are driving down the highway and we saw this small motocross track and decided to see where the owner was and come to find out he was glad that we stopped by and always wanted to know what we believe, and said he'd love to come to church! Elder Showers and I walked on the track and made some fun videos! The owner even said that he would like for us to come and be flaggers for the races. We would have to get that approved by Presdient Grayson but it would be a fun "service project" if we can do it.
On Wednesday, we met with Austin in the morning and watched Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Restoration and the spirit was very strong and he is loving what he is learning. He even said that he is going to bring his grandma to church and so we are excited to see them on Sunday. We exchanged back and we went to Baxley and held up Honk if you love Jesus signs again. I know you're probably saying its like they do it every week haha. We have received lots of traction and good thoughts from it and we feel like it helps people remember Christ throughout their day. Good things have came from it so we will continue to do that. We saw sue Evans again with sister Taylor and we talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The lesson was so powerful and Sue has done an incredible job reading and learning more about the Book of Mormon. She loved the chapter in Alma 26 where it talks about how the Laminates buried their weapons of war for peace and she is always talking how can I learn from this story. She is doing remarkable and hopefully we can find her some clothes so that she can attend church.
On Thursday, we had a few appointments fell through but we went out to Nickols to do windows of Heaven and had some good success. We tried to talk to literally everyone that we could and because we were bold and confident we had a lot of success throughout our time there. We had dinner with the Taylors and they just had the triplets a few weeks ago and so they have been very busy trying to take care of three babies at one time! That is a lot of diapers, formula and also love and care! It was great being able to see them.
On Friday,we planned for majority of the day, and biked all across Alma trying to see our investigators. We tried to see Velvet and Katherine but they weren't home, and William but he wasn't home. Then we tried other people and they weren't home. So we were biking home to go get dinner when we saw Sheerl, the Jewells neighbor with a pile of stuff in the back of her truck that she needed help moving. So over the course of a few hours we helped her move heavy pieces of furniture and clothing to her new apartment. The place we went to was way out in the country!! The gnats were so thick and got pretty annoying as the service worn on but she was so grateful when it was all said and done! I love being able to serve and do service because its how the Savior was when he was on the earth and still serves us today.
On Saturday, we drove to Macon for the trainers/ trainee meeting and it hit me on the way up to Macon that this would be the last time that I'd drive up to Macon on my mission for a meeting. It was kind of sad and I reminisced quite a bit throughout the drive seeing old sites that you saw being a zone leader going up to MLC. The meeting was great and it was fun seeing old friends and old companions. The Spirit was so strong as we talked as trainers and we felt edified in what we were doing. I remember almost two years ago being on the opposite end of the spectrum with many questions and now all those questions are answered and you are now confident in who you are becoming. We drove back and had some rain on the way back, it was a very memorable time and I will miss making those 2 hour long drives to Macon for meeting surprisingly. That night we met with Sue Evans with sister Peterson and had a very spirit filled meeting and as we met thoughts kept coming to my mind and as I spoke them I didn't even remember where it came from but it just flowed and I know it was the Holy Ghost.
On Sunday, we had a very sprit filled day at church and I gave a talk about overcoming adversity and finding joy in adversity. Being thankful for your trials is a hard concept but understanding that God loves us and doesn't want us to suffer but in order for us to grow we need to feel sorrow so we can know joy. The talk went very well and I was grateful for the time I had to speak. It seems like we Sue everyday but she enjoys our visit and we shared the Plan of Salvation and questions she had always wondered were answered and she was grateful to receive the Ensign magazines too. The day went super fast going to investigators homes and contacting all those we see. That night we helped Sheerl put a pool table into the most country southern place I've seen on my mission. Picture the classic southern picture in your head and that what it was. Perfect clear night sky, oak trees overhanging an old trailer and a shed that looked like a barn with the leaves rustling from the wind made for a very southern memory and they were grateful we could help them:)
I wanted to share my favorite scripture from the week its... Alma 26 12-13: Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I a m weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will bo ast of my God, for in his stre ngth I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his n ame forever.
Behold, how many thousands of our brethren has he loosed fr om the pains of hell; and they are brought to sing redeeming love, and this becau se of the power of his word wh ich is in us, therefore have we not great reason to rejoice?
I love Y'all and thank you for all you do!!!
-Elder Hill
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Best AP's Around! |
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Elder Hill Boating and obeying the rules!! |
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Georgia Pine! Alma GA, May 2017 |
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Singing at Trainers Trainee meeting May 2017 |
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