I cant believe that its coming close to that time of the mission! It is still so surreal and it hasn't really hit me yet that I'm coming home but I'm sure it will especially when I start packing away my things. And don't worry that picture of me on a bike was just for fun we don't ride bikes anymore. The doctors appointment went very well this past week and they said that I'm healing great and they took the stitches out and so now I'm stitch free. I still have the splint on but they said if everything heals well that I might come off the plane without my splint on!! So hopefully that works out. You asked about the baptisms is Alma and we have a lot of solid people we are teaching they just have some reason they aren't coming to church. No matter how many members we bring over we are having a hard time helping our investigators come to church. But we are working on it, this area has changed quite a bit since I came here and now this area has at least 8-10 solid people who sincerely want to know its true but they have that one reason where its hard for them to come to church.
This past week had some memorable events for sure, baptists praying over my wrist at a blueberry festival, rain rain and more rain, and trying to make Alma the new Zion!! On June 2nd and 3rd we set up a booth at the Blueberry festival in Alma. Once a year vendors from all over Georgia come and sell their items. There were over 1500 people there and we set up a booth where people could learn how to tie ties and while they are learning how to tie ties, they got to look at the church material we have and were able to ask questions. We taught 12- 13 lessons and gave away at least 20 Book of Mormons! A lot of attention was on our tent and it was fun teaching groups of people and all faiths got to discuss beliefs and why we are so different and we testified that this church is Christs church again on the earth and we connected with a lot of people in the area. The Baxley Elders came with us and helped us teach and mingle with the crowd. While Elder Showers and I were walking around a baptist preacher asked how I broke my wrist and asked if we knew if we died right now where we would go. We said that if we are faithful here and always live worthy of the Spirit we would go to heaven. He said that "I want you to know if you died right now youd be in heaven and said a prayer with us and said "YOU ARE SAVED!!" We didn't know what to think but he then asked if he could bless my wrist and out of courtesy he prayed over it and I cant really describe what it felt like other than it felt incomplete which told me that we definitely have the priesthood.
There were lots of storms throughout the week and it made for some fun memories. We had some really awesome lessons and miracles that happened. First off Brother Torres came teaching with us to go see the Jewells. Sister Jewell has been trying to find a job that would allow her to go to church ,but the management wont let her. Well it turns out the grocery store was laying off groups of people and she was going to be laid off on the 31st. Before the 31st we promised if she lived the gospel and prayed that God would help her with a job. It turns out that Walmart called her on the 31st and gave her a job and she is now able to come to church! We taught about tithes and fast offering and it was very spiritual! Also we taught Sue Evans with Brother Roberson and talked about tithing too, a question that followed the teaching was I asked.. "Sue if you woke up tomorrow could you forget what you've learned from the Book of Mormon?" She said no I know its true! She has read all the way through 3 Nephi and is loving it. We just have to help her find clothes she likes to come to church. Our other investigator Cynitha Juarez has recently had a rough go with life and we had a very spiritual lesson with her and she accepted to be baptized if she found this to be true. She is definitively progressing and is learning more about her purpose in this life. She was in tears as we testified of the help God gives to all of His children and especially to those who put everything on the line for Him. It takes work and effort but it sure is worth it!
My scripture of the week is 2 Nephi 25:23 "For we labor diligently to wr ite, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to bel ieve in Christ, and to be reco nciled to God; for we know tha t it is by grace that we are s aved, after all we can do."
God love and grace is there for us but we have to live worthy and live our life in the world but not of the world. Its very easy to get sidetracked and focused on material things but the principles in the gospel will remain the most important forever and ever. The people in this life that are the most happy are people that live the gospel, live within their means and people that keep life simple. We came to earth for a reason and that reason is to recieve a body and to learn from making mistakes. Believe me I've made mistakes (mailbox) haha but God wants to know how you respond to a situation where you have to rely on faith.
I LOVE Y'ALL! The church is true and you gotta sprint to the finish!
-Elder Hill
#3 weeks #Makethedayscount
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Best district eva! June 2017, Alma, GA |
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Elder Hill and Elder Showers at Church! Alma, GA - June 2017 |
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Come learn to tie a tie! Alma Ga - June 2017 |
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Drew learned to tie a tie, so can you! Alma, Ga - June 2017 |
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Got my flight plans! Alma, GA - June 2017 |
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Storms a comin'! Alma GA - June 2017 |
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