Hey Fam!!
I'm so glad that everything worked out with Sister Weltz!! I'm glad you were able to talk to her and meet her! She's AWESOME! It sound like everyone is doing great!! I'm super jealous of Kevins bike! My job as a missionary would be so much easier if I could ride a dirt bike instead of biking haha:) But my companion is really jealous! He rode motocross back home and he wants to ride it really bad! So the only thing I might need for Christmas is some good durable shoes because my shoes now are kind of tearing at the soles from all the water we walk through in the grass and such so if your able to get those I'd love that but that should be it! I did get your package and I loved it! I used Grandmas scarf that she made yesterday and I'm wearing the sweater you got for me today! It looks really good! I've become really good friends with Elder Davis and Elder Godwin and for my birthday they got me about 4-7 presents!. I got about 3 ties, a sweater and another pair of pants! I almost cried because they didn't have to do that but because of how well I'm doing and how much I've gone through they wanted to reward me with something so I was pretty touched!
This past week was pretty awesome, in the beginning of the week I was able to play basketball with some investigators of mine and my patriarchal blessings says how the Lord will help use my talents to bring people to Christ and if I couldn't play basketball I'm not sure our investigator would be interested in the gospel! I had so much fun playing with them and it was a testimony builder that God puts you in places where you are needed. Then on my birthday, we had lunch with a member at the church and then in the afternoon, we went mountain biking with 5-7 investigators and it was a blast! I went down hills close to 70 degrees slant and going off jumps!! It was awesome!!! Then later that day we rode to one of the Union campsites where the Union stayed at when they were fighting the confederates in Millidgeville. It was Awesome! Then later that night we went to Buffington, which is a restaurant that serves really good panini's and it was awesome! I got it for free since it was my birthday and after that we went to Elder Davis and Elder Godwins apartment and we opened presents and they gave me those clothes and we ate cake:) and ice cream haha! Also we went to the Gray wards Christmas party and they decked out in decorations. They did a "whoville" theme and everyone dressed up like people would dress up in Whoville! THey even had a Grinch how cool is that!! Then yesterday at church we thought church was just going to be like any other Sunday but then we saw President and Sister Cottle walk down the hall. They showed up unexpectedly and went to church with us! It was pretty cool and nerve racking haha.
This week we have a zone conference in Tifton Georgia, close to 4 hours from here so we are going to be sleeping over at the zone leaders apartment in Cochran Georgia, then this Wednesday we have a trainers/trainee meeting since the transfer is coming to a close! It's crazy how fast time is going. I'm already almost 6 months out and it is kind of scary how fast time is going. I can't wait to see y'all on Christmas and if you'd like to you can open the presents I gave you when we skype.
I hope everything is going well and I loved the pictures of y'all in the cabin it looked like a blast!
I LOVE YOU and I hope y'all have a great week!
Elder Mitchell Hill
#jealousofkevinsbike #dontwreck #mountainbikingwasawesome #!'m19 #stillakidatheart
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Going for a ride! |
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Crossing a creek mountain biking |
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Christmas Party at Grays |
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