THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES AND THE PICTURES! You guys look so great and the cabin looks so much fun! It's been a long time since I was at the cabin when it snowed! The lake looks fun and even though we aren't allowed to swim as a missionary I'd probably jump in if I was there haha. I had Thanksgiving with the Weltz's. This past week was pretty crazy I guess, I don't really know how to describe it...
So on Tuesday we had district meeting in Gray, Georgia and after district meeting we did a service project for members in the ward. We went to this lady's house who had tons of leaves and we raked them into one HUGE pile and then I learned how people handle leaves in the south. (We should've done this in Colorado!) So we put them all in a pile and lit them on FIRE with a blowtorch! It was sooo cool! Then on Wednesday we taught Renata Butts. We have taught her for 5 weeks and committed her to be baptized and she was really interested, but had to ask her husband about it. She is a very busy lady with 2 kids who is in school to be a nurse. We testified of how true this church is and she was crying during the prayer. The spirit was sooo strong and it was as if the Holy Ghost was just poking her the entire lesson:) Then on Thursday it was Thanksgiving!! We rode 20 miles on our bikes before lunch to stay fit and then went to the Weltz house where we had an awesome meal! They made funeral potatoes, turkey, sweet potato casserole, fruit salad, veggies, and pie! It was awesome! Then yesterday was a pretty crazy day...
So we were teaching this less active in our ward in her garage. We were teaching her about tithing and all of a sudden this black SUV pulls up and the lady we were teaching runs inside the house and locks the door so we are just like.. what?.. So this lady runs out of the car and tells us to get off the property cause it's her property. So I'm putting away my scriptures and she comes over and tries to hurry me up by hitting me on the head with her magazine that was rolled up in her hand. I was pretty tired and sore from biking and I wasn't in the best mood and I stood up and looked down at her. (She was like 5,1) Anyway I stared at her and was like "Jeez calm down, we have a right to visit her cause she is a member of our church and then she said "you better get off the property right now or I'll call 911 and have you arrested for soliciting. So I put away my chair and started to walk away and I said "Thats good cause we are proselyting, we aren't trying to sell Jesus." She started to come closer to us and she said I'm her guardian and now she won't come out the door. So we hopped on our bikes and left and she yelled "I'LL SUE THE MORMON CHURCH IF YOU COME BACK!!" So we left and visited some more investigators throughout the day. We stopped by a catholic church and asked when their services are and they said 5:00 and at the time it was like 4:30 so we decided to go. They had communion and the way they instituted the sacrament was interesting they used wine and people all drank out of the same cup, they at hardtack for the bread, and praised Jesus. After we talked to this lady who knew who we were and talked about differences. Then we talked to the Deacon who gave the sermons and such and he had alot of questions about our church and he was surprised at our answers and said "I had thought you Mormons just had more than one wife and worshiped Joesph Smith..." So we cleared that up and he said he might attend a service on Sunday!!
I LOVE YOU GUYS SOO MUCH!! I always pray for you and I hope you have an awesome week!
-Elder Hill aka Mitch
#almost19 #missinthesnow #misstherec #servintheLord
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Mitch in Georgia! |
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Milledgeville District 2015 |
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