Happy Easter!! Thank
you so much for the package that you sent:) Gotta love the "sweet"
things in life sometimes. I loved the note you sent and it made my day!
We had transfers this past week and I got a new companion and his name
is Elder Joshua Haines. He's from Sandy, Utah and he is quite the guy.
He has a lot of bright ideas and makes the work fun too which is always a
plus! He likes playing the guitar and saying "yeah dude" a lot haha.I'm
glad to hear that Uncle Richard is doing well, and that spring break was
fun! I'm doing pretty well and there isn't anything that I really NEED
right now but there are always things that you may want, but no I'm
doing great. This week had some events in it that really was not
expected and I'm sure you will be shocked at and possibly laugh at one
of them.
On Tuesday we had transfers and we
figured out a ride to get to Macon for the transfer meeting and we got
there and I saw alot of old friends that I haven't seen in a while and it
was fun to see them again. I said hi to Elder Godwin, Elder Showers,
Elder Taggart, and many others that was fun. I also met Elder Haines for
the first time and I just knew he was gonna be a great guy! But we got
back to Columbus and Elder Haines and I really got the spring cleaning
fire going on and we cleaned out the compilation of missionary "junk"
over the course of 5-10 years. We found food in the fridge that expired
in 2009 that I didn't even know was there last transfer. We cleaned up
the dust bunnies in our house, and made in look spic and span:) It's
like I'm living in a whole new apartment. I introduced Elder Haines to
alot of the people we are teaching and had dinner with the missionaries
that serve here. It was pretty great.
Wednesday, we helped Elder and Sister Stevens pack up their Uhaul to
make their voyage out to Utah. It was really hard to see them go but I
know since they are in our same stake that I'll see them again. It's
good cause she can make some good food that I'm going to partake of when
we have stake get togethers in Logan. We taught alot of lessons and
found some really solid new investigators that day. We were passing out
the easter initiative cards and people were really receptive to our
message after they saw that video and it made for a great finding
opportunity. We also met with a family who is going through a pretty
rough time and we gave them council and helped them out the best we
could. It was one of those meeting where you had a lesson plan, but once
you heard the things going on in their life, the plan changed and you
just listened and comforted them. They came to church on Sunday and we
are excited to help them in any way we can.
Thursday, we taught alot of lessons and by using the Hallelujah pass
along cards it created a good way to talk to people and we taught 5
other lessons on that day as well as 3 new investigators. I'm not a big
numbers guy but I care about working hard and teaching people but its
nice to look and see how much you've done that day and numbers help you
do that.
On friday, we had the opportunity to
go to a funeral for an elderly lady. Nonmembers and members came to the
church and remembered the life of Genia. You could definitely feel the
spirit as we sang songs such as God be with you til we meet again. It
was pretty sad, but its been a while since I've been to a funeral. But
it was definitely an experience. After the funeral we went and had
apartment inspections and you know the spring cleaning bug got into us
and we made sure there wasnt anything Elder and Sister Paey could say
besides Good Job. Mom you'd be very proud. I mean how could you live
knowing that there was food in the fridge that existed back in 2009
haha. But after that we went over to Eric's place and helped him with
his trees, and use machetes to cut the vines. THere hasnt been one time
that I havent walked away from Erics place and not had scrapes and
scratches from the thorny vines hahha. We had dinner with the Mackies on
Fort Benning and they told us about their mission and their stories.
was quite the day and boy you'll never guess what we did... So we got
invited to go and help out some members on their farm. And we are on the
way out there and they told us we would be helping with feed the cows
bread... so we were all expecting to like poor grain or something into
feeders for the cows, but oh boy were we wrong. So when we get there
they showed us what they meant by that and they brought us to a trailer
filled with 8 tons of expired bread in packages that we had to take out
of packaging and put into another truck so that the bread can be taken
to the mill and be processed for cow grain. It was so shocking to see
how much bread was being thrown away from the stores cause it goes bad.
And you'll see in the picture of how much bread it was but it was pretty
crazy! Like we are standing on mounds of bread and it was a very
interesting service project. Not only that but on his farm he sells
fresh pork and fresh milk and we had to try them both:) Boy fresh cow
milk is something else... soooo good!!! He loved us helping out on his
farm and next week he wants us to help skin some pigs and learn how to
milk cows and such so I'll keep you posted on my adventures with that.
was a very spiritual day because it was Easter and I've been reading
Jesus the Christ and it just so happened that on Easter Sunday I read
the events in the last week of Christs mortal ministry and we had a very
spiritual sacrament meeting. We had investiagtors at church that really
felt the spirit and you could tell they were starting to build their
testimony of the church. I felt the spirit so strongly when a member
bore her testimony about Jesus Christ and an experience she had in her
life. Its amazing to experience Easter on your mission and I loved it.
Elder Haines and I went out to Fort Benning and taught some soldiers
about the Plan of Salvation. I love every time I go to that place
because of their humbleness and their willingness to know more.
I hope ya'll had a great week and your always in my prayers:)
-Elder Hill
#Mountainofbread #Aintnomountainhighenough #Easterisawesome
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Tons of Bread Food Storage! |
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Limited Sight Distance! |
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