I hope you enjoyed
conference as much as I did, haha I thought it was interesting that
before the mission I somewhat dreaded conference because of how long it
was and whatnot but now conference is something I look forward to all
year and I cant wait for the next one! Thats pretty crazy! Its been really hard being away
from basketball and especially around this time of the year, but Im glad
to see an update on it:) I'm glad that you are looking into the next
challenge of getting a house in Utah. I've met a lot of missionaries here
that would be more than willing to help us out too with knowing how to
build and how to save costs. But I hope that, thats going well and keep
me updated with it please:)
This past week has
been another busy one here in Columbus and I love it:) Being the senior
companion definitely has its challenges and you definitely learn how to
use your time effectively and plan well. This week I definitely realized
the power of planning and making sure you and your companion are on the
same page.
On Tuesday, Elder Haines and I
crossed the Chattahoochee river again and went on exchanges in Phenix
City. Elder Cobler and I went on exchanges after the district meeting
and Elder Cobler and I talked about our plans after the mission and he
told me that he plans on going to Utah State and be on the cross country
and track team. We also did service for the Johnsons here, and we were
asked to help them move mouse poop covered wood, crawling with
cockroaches the size of your pinky and the wood pile was about 8 feet
tall and being somewhat inexperienced with stacking wood, we didnt think
it mattered of what size of the wood went on the bottom, so being
inexperienced we pout the small pieces on the bottom and the big pieces
on top... and welll you can already see what is happening here and we
got a call from her later in the day saying that the wood pile fell and
so we went back and now I know how to stack wood:) We also met with the
Maldonados and talked to them about faith and why its important.
Wednesday we switched back and had district meeting with our district,
then Elder Haines and I went over to a members haircut salon and got our
hairs cut:) She did a pretty good job but I'll let you guys decide that
from the pictures. Later that night we had a Just Serve webinar with
some members of the high council in the stake and we talked about how
Just Serve will help strengthen the communities and bind members
On Thursday, we were running low on
miles and so we biked pretty much all day, but our first stop was at the
church and we planned and waited for our lesson with Jazmin Henderson,
but she ended up not being able to come because of some conflicts. So we
started to bike back home and it was around this time where I knew it
was gonna rain and in Georgia when it rains....it rains!! And we were on
the way to go home for lunch and we saw Sister Johnson putting rocks on
her new RV parking spot and we stopped by and gave her a hand. It was
pretty funny because Sister Johnson's house is the first house by a
busier road and people were constantly giving us strange looks because
we were two white boys, in white shirts and ties, shoveling rock into a
driveway in the rain. But right as the rain started to get bad we
finished it for her and realized that we had to go home in it. We waited
at the Johnsons til it cleared up a bit and headed back home. But you
know every time you ride in the rain your wife is going to that much
more attractive:) haha. But later in the day we stopped by recent
converts house and visited with her because she fell and hurt her ankle
and needed someone to talk to.
Friday was a
pretty interesting day... We had MLC in Macon and it was raining
throughout the whole night and it was in the morning. But we decided to
take the back roads because the drivers in Georgia are bad when the sun
is shining and I didn't want the headache of driving in the rain on
highways so we took the side roads and boy was it a good decision. All
the creeks that we passed through were overflowing and it was quite the
sight to see. We got to Macon safely and received training from
President Cottle and the leadership here. Throughout the entire MLC
meeting the thunder shook the room and the meeting saved us from being
soaking wet that day. But I learned a lot about integrity and doing the
right thing even if no one is watching. As well as the difference
between joy and happiness. And that joy is a full feeling while
happiness is fleeting. I also had the crazy experience of me and Elder
Duran, my 2nd half trainer and I were zone leaders together! It was a
pretty crazy experience!! After MLC we drove back and met with Chris
Stevens and read the book of Enos with him.
was General Conference and we watched the first session at a members
house. It was really a good way to start off conference! There was a lot
of good insight I received from conference but because of the lack of
time I'll share my highlight for Saturday and Sunday. I learned that
Jesus Christ was the best leader because he was the best follower and
that applies directly to us that if we are in a leading position that we
should be humble enough to also be a follower of Jesus Christ. I also
enjoyed Elder Hollands talk at the end where he talked about how we need
to keep trying and even though we may come off those spiritual mountain
tops we need to remember those spiritual moments and use them to keep
moving forward. I actually had to miss the first session on Sunday
because I was at Ft Benning with the soldiers, but I was able to teach
the gospel of Jesus Christ to them and it went very well. We also got a
call from president Cottle and he told us of a solider who needed a
blessing so we went over to the Ft Martin Army hospital and gave him a
blessing. This whole week seemed very filled with injuries and accidents
from everyone and as we went in for the day, we got a call at 10:00
last night where someone was playing and fell onto a pointy object and
it pierced her lung and so we got dressed and rushed over there and
missed her by five minutes but we gave a blessing to her mom and I
really felt the love she had for her. But we are going to go over today
and give the daughter a blessing too.
Thanks for all your prayers and support!
-Elder Mitchell Hill
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My Second Half Trainer and now ZL's! |
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I Promise it is Raining! |
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I Spotted this Gator! |
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