I'm glad that you got my letter and enjoyed it! Elder Schiers and I built a 750 puzzle of Noahs ark and had a lock down where we weren't allowed to leave our apartment so we just built a puzzle haha:)
This past week was pretty eventful. On Thursday I witnessed an accident where a car hit a concrete wall! Elder Schiers and I were riding our bikes on a street and we looked to our left and saw this car tried to dodge a parked car and hit a concrete wall. It was crazy, we called the police and the medics checked him out. After it was under control we left and I was just in awe of being in the right place at the right time! Also we were riding our bikes in the rain and we had to go up a steep hill and I was going up and my foot snagged my chain guard and half of it busted.It's not a big deal but I just have to be careful to not cut my leg. Theres a missionary that is going home next transfer who has a really nice bike that he's willing to give me so I might take him up on that because my bike right now has just had it. On Halloween I was able to be apart of my first baptism on the mission! Elder Godwin and Elder Davis baptized three people and Elder Schiers and I were witnesses. We also were able to help confirm and help them receive the Holy Ghost on Sunday. Even though they weren't our investigators it was a team effort because the kids run around quite a bit and it took all four of us to help them during the lessons and such.It was pretty remarkable, the power of the priesthood is incredible. Millidgeville hasn't had a baptism in 4 years and so it was great to help the ward out in that way. Elder Schiers and I are teaching this lady and her family that is looking for ways to come closer to God and she is willing to do anything she can to do that. We are going to ask if she'd like to be baptized this week so the work is moving along!
With the time change it gets pitch black at around 6:00 and it's been raining for 5 days straight. It's not cold rain but you just feel "soggy" I dont know if thats the right word for it but you just feel like your body is damp all the time. Kevin has probably experienced that I'm sure. We have transfer calls on Saturday so we will see if I stay or go. My guess is that I'll stay but you never know! It's crazy that I'm going on my 5th month here in Georgia! I've learned so much and my testimony is being solidified! The church is true! I know that for sure! I don't know how it couldn't be true!
I hope all is well! Keep it up with SDL, work, holding down the fort, school, and being the best family!
- Elder Mitchell Hill
#USUgamessoundawesome #ItsBBALLseason #runnynoseseason
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Puzzle built during lockdown. |
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