So in Waynesboro I didn't baptize anyone but I worked with an investigator who we had on date for the 10th of October but I got transferred, but I actually just got word this past week that he got baptized. So I was just planting seeds and things worked out in the end! I actually had es car go out here at a member's house and it's very unique I'll put it that way! I'm glad everything is settling down, and going well! That pumpkin walk looks soo cool! Elder Schiers and I went to an investigators house and carved pumpkins there. Although I think the ones at the pumpkin walk were probably alot better than mine. I''ll send you a picture:)
This past week was a pretty crazy week! I feel like I've said that alot but it's like every week something crazy happens. This time every year there is a Deep Roots festival at Millidgeville. There thousands of people that come from all over the south to come to the small town of Millidgeville for the Georgia Barbeque state championship. There is a car show, tents selling food, clothes, and Georgia things. There were live bands that came and performed and it was quite the experience. Elder Schiers and I taught 30 lessons in one day. We gave away 150 pass along cards and it was awesome! We also volunteered at the Deep Roots festival and we got free T-Shirts and got to take down the stage sets after each performance. It was pretty cool. I'm not sure if you know or have heard of JR. JR but they are an alternative rock band that are pretty well known and I got to meet each one of them and teach them what we do as missionaries! It was definitely something that I'll always remember and it was soo cool!
We also went to the bishops house last night and Bishop Thompson loves to hunt and he is really cgood at cooking it! He killed a 5 point deer last week end and we had a really good dinner. He fried some deer heart, made some really good stew with venison meat in it, and he smoked some ribs for us too. It was pretty GOOD! Dad you would've loved it! The deer heart tasted pretty irony but thats what I expected from an organ that pumps iron 24/7.
(HAHA did you get that joke:)
Anyway, In my patriarchal blessing it talks about how I'll be sent to the lions den and where I'll experience first hand the iniquities of the world. I definitely saw iniquity that night:) but like Daniel in the lions den the lord delivered us out of bondage:) Daniel has become one of my favorite prophets because I can see many traits in him that I see in myself. I was reading my patriarchal blessing last night and all the qualities it tells me that I should have are apparent in Daniels life, so it's been cool to relate to a prophet in that way.
I'll continue to be the best servant of the Lord I can be and help bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man to many people!
<3 Elder Mitchell Hill
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