Wow this week was one for the books with
so many spiritual experiences, wrapping up the transfer, and figuring
out how to help our investigators grow in the gospel. I'm so glad that
y'all are doing so well! Keep it up! I'm so very happy that everyone is
doing so well at their own respected talents! Haha tell the ward they
are AWESOME for me. It really seems
like there are some really great people there. There was so much that
happened this week along with some really funny moments!! Also I'm staying in Columbus for another transfer with
Elder Haines!! It will be so great.
On Monday,
We went to Andersonville. This place was one of the most eerie places
I've ever been to. Andersonville was the largest POW camp for Union soldiers in the confederacy and over 40,000 soldiers died there. They
lived in very harsh condition receiving very little to live off of. Most
of the soldiers there died from starvation and trying to escape from
the camp. There is a stream that runs through that is what the soldiers
drank from during their time there. The problem was because people didnt
understand that when you use the stream as a bathroom the water is not
drinkable. So the people at the top of the stream were able to drink the
water, but when it reached the people at the bottom the water was very
yucky. But that's how dire the situation was is that they were so thirsty
they would drink that kind of water. They had reconstructions of the
walls there that were exactly the same as the ones that were there in
1865. Also there was this place called Providence spring... There is
thing called the deadline where if you step to close to the wall you
were immediately shot and one night lightning struck the ground and
water sprang up from it right outside the deadline, so soldiers would
risk their lives by trying to pull can tines in the spring to get water.
Not only that but people would dig at the root of the trees to get some
water from the roots and all throughout the camp you could see the
actual place where they were digging with spoons to get water. It was
sooo cool. There was also these bunkers and trenches that were from the
civil war to protect the Unions from rescuing their soldiers. We then
went to the cemetery where over 40,000 people were buried there and its
also an active cemetery for veterans in the armed forces. It was an
Awesome day and I have really come to love the military and the U.S even
though there are some not so great things about it, we are able to live
as we please, worship as we please, and we are able to thrive in a
country for opportunity.
On Tuesday, Elder
Haines and I went to Lagrange where we had district meeting there and
said our goodbyes to a sister missionary going home. After district
meeting we came back and there was a pretty funny moment. So Elder
Haines and I were making some spaghetti and keep in mind I was very
tired and exhausted from all the running around and missionary work
we've done in the past weeks. Anyway so we poor the spaghetti on the
plates and Elder Haines pulls a seasoning from the cupboard and I
thought it was Parmesan cheese, but it turns out it was garlic salt...
And because I thought this the dispenser wasn't getting any of the
Parmesan cheese out so I opened up the large dispenser and from what
was a little bit of garlic salt became a pile of garlic salt, not
thinking anything of it, I stirred it around and Elder Haines is staring
at me with a shocked face. And I put it up to my mouth and I made
contact with my tongue and salt filled my mouth and I was like this isn't
Parmesan cheese!!! Needless to say we had to throw out the spaghetti and I
had an apple for lunch hahah. It all happened so fast and it was just
one of those Mitch moments. Anyway for the rest of the day Elder Haines
and I met some people and knocked some doors!!
we had district meeting where I was put in what we call the chair. My
district gave me so many compliments and I'll try to send the voice
recording of it but it might be too large odf a file. but they said how
good of an example I was and how impressive it was to be a zone leader
at my age in the mission field. They told me that I'm determined, hard
working and overall a great man who wants to do the best at whatever he
puts his mind to. So I mean that's pretty AWESOME!! I love this district
and with transfer coming up a lot of them are leaving so they will be
deeply missed.After that we dealer a lot with the natural man haha. The
people we met with on Wednesday were overcome with problems coming from
not living the gospel and I'm so glad that I was brought up the way I
was in the church and with a loving family that taught me the right
things. But we met with this guy who had killed someone, went to prison
did some things there he shouldn't have, and got out of prison broke
commandments and because hes at a very low point in his life he wants to
change and turn toward God which we are trying to help him do. There
was this other investigator that is going to prison for not having
insurance for his car and we will have to stop teaching him until he
gets out. Even though he said he wanted to get baptized but I know
eventually he will.
Thursday, we exchanged back
and we exchanged at a library in Cusseta and we did what we call RMT
where we check our referrals and at the end of the time this guy jumps
up and sticks his hand out to shake my hand and with this devilish smile
on his face he says "I hate you" It was very creepy and somewhat evil.
He pulled me over the counter a little bit and I ripped my hand from him
and we got out of there!!! It was really unexpected and I don't know
what else could've happened but I'm glad it turned out well. We had a
class later that night where one of our investigators came and as we
were singing I Believe in Christ he started to tear up and cry. Its
funny on your mission you sometimes want people to cry cause its a sign
they are feeling something, but haha its all good.
we planned and met with some members later that day, and there was
going to be a new AP in the mission so we were telling everyone in our
zone how Elder Haines was going to be the new AP just to add to the
Saturday, we worked out at the farm and
we moved telephone poles, junk metal, and dug a pig pen up and got
dirty. Held snakes and turtles.It was pretty fun. We also ran into this
lady who is a really promising person and is in need of some Jesus in
her life. We were eating dinner at a restaurant and when we were getting
our food she asked us what we do everyday, and I told her about
teaching people about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and taught
her the restoration. It was just a testimony to me that everyday God
puts people in our path that need the happiness that we have and that
through Jesus Christ we can receive eternal joy. I've been trying to be
bold not over bearance but bold in my conviction as missionaries all over
the world proclaim the gospel. We then had transfer calls later that
night and Im staying here in Columbus but lot of our district will be
moving and our zone which will be an adjustment.
Elder Haines and I left for Macon after Sacrament meeting. We met for
the missionary leadership council and Elder Parker the area seventy was
in attendance. The message of the meeting was directed at igniting your
own fire and not waiting for someone else to light it for you. He also
talked about the power behind the Book of Mormon. Elder Parker is a
retired MLB umpire, a convert, and has a strong testimony. His topic
was centered on Elder Hollands talk "Mission are Forever" It is a very
good talk and there was a quote that said" THe mission field is the MTC
for the rest of your LDS life..." That was mind blowing to me. My
bigggest fear is having regrets when I come off the plane and as I
continue to work hard I know that God will bless us and all the
missionaries around the world.
-Elder Mitchell Hill
#Andersonville #MLCisAwesome #Columbusround3
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40,000 Soldiers at Andersonville. |
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The DUO!! |
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The Andersonville Stream! |
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Kabooomb!!! |
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