It sounds like your week was great and very busy with lots of transitions into jobs and ending of school! Its crazy to me that this time last year I graduated high school and starting to prepare for my mission. It seems like just yesterday we were packing the house to go and move to Utah. I know that we will be able to find a house that feels right because as I've learned more and more on my mission that if we have faith then God will bless us but when we start to doubt like Peter walking on water that's when we can see the storm and troubles around us, so PROTECT THE FAITH! So definitely keep me updated with the house and all of the job situations! My week was sure another busy one here in Columbus and it's crazy how fast time is going!
On Tuesday we drove up to LaGrange, GA for a district meeting from there we would go on exchanges. I was going with Elder Gregory back to Columbus and Elder Gregory is soooo cool and we had a great conversation on the way back from District Meeting! Elder Gregory was trained by Elder Hinton and so you could say we had alot to talk about in the Good ol' city of Waynesboro and Hephzibah. When we got back we had a very busy day seeing one of the members here in the hospital battling cancer and after we prayed and visited with him we saw his wife on the way out and I felt like we definitely help lift their spirits which is always a good thing. We tried seeing one of our potential investigators with a member but he wasn't home so instead we went to go see the lady who was homeless but is now staying with a member. She committed to come to church as we both testified of faith and the power of acting by faith. Also we had our first ward coordination meeting with our new ward mission leader who is very excited about the work going on here and we cant wait for whats to come!! After coordination meeting we planned to go help a member move a piano from the 1870's! The piano was made from solid oak and the piano keys were made from elephant tusks and it was a family heirloom passed down from the generations. The lady we were helping is moving to Colorado Springs for training at Ft.Carson. All the missionaries that had planned on coming to help were unable to because of things that came up in the day but thankfully, and through many calls to people in the course of 5 minutes, the new ward mission leader, and a member that came were able to help us. They both were in the Army and were pretty hefty guys if you know what I mean haha! There was a lot of emotion in the move because it was an heirloom and we didnt have the best equipment to help move it just brute man power but through lots of straining of muscles we were able to put it on a rickety old trailer to move it to another members house for refurbishing. We then returned and 6 missionaries stayed with us over night because the next day we would be traveling to Macon for zone conference and it was easier and less time to travel from Columbus.
On Wednesday, we drove to Macon for zone conference and when we got there for car inspections we found out we would be getting black boxes in our cars called Tiwi... This box made quite the change of mindset for a lot of missionaries in regards to driving mission owned cars.The black boxes alert you if you go more than 5 over the speed limit and you have 15 seconds to slow down and if you don't President Cottle gets a message on his phone says you were speeding. It also alerts you if you don't have your seat belt on or if you take turns to sharp so I'm sure for a lot of moms this will provide some comfort knowing that we will slow down. President Cottle asked me to conduct the meeting and I am getting better and better at talking in front of people and I felt like I did pretty well! Sure nerve racking but nothing I'm not used to haha. It was fun to see a lot of old friends and of course feel the spirit that President Cottle and the presidency bring to the meeting. We then came back and tried to not freak out from hearing tiwi alert us about going over the speed limit. Dont worry it only happened 3 times to me. We met with one of our investigators and had an awesome lesson and he told us that "The Book of Mormon makes sense" coming from someone who relies solely on the bible. You find that a lot here in the bible belt. The Sisters had a miracle of someone walking into the church wanting to know how he can get baptized!!! So they had a awesome lesson with him and you can just see the blessings from being obedient.
On Thursday, we had another service project moving sister Fletcher out of her apartment on the 2nd story when she had lots of heavy furniture INCLUDING a piano!! It was Elder Haines, the sisters, Sister Fletcher mom, and I trying to get the piano down the stairs and it sure was a struggle getting that thing down those stairs. It was me and Elder Haines on the bottom lifting it up and the Sister and the mom would guide is gently down the steps and boy I'll tell ya it was definitely journal worthy!! We helped her moved what seemed to be a thousand boxes and tables and taking down a bunk bed. Lots of sweat in the that endeavor! Later that day we had stake priesthood meeting and learned about holding the mantle of the priesthood and living up to our potential.
Friday, Elder Haines was sick most of the day which means I was in quarantine and had to stay in... As he slept I worked out, and worked out some more, and read my scriptures, and watched the Testaments haha. I'll tell ya that next going out was like I was born again. Its crazy when you go without something you realize how much you love the little things.
Saturday we gave Brother Arroyo a blessing, he just had a stroke and became paralyzed on his left side and we had a great visit with him as he explained the struggles in his life. We then later that day hopped on our bikes and got looks from alot of people and riding on that white line and keeping on that strait and narrow!!We then had a movie night later that night where we watched the Special Witnesses of Christ and heard the testimonies of apostles who have passed on which definitely strengthen my testimony in Christ!
Sunday was an Awesome worship service! 2 of our investigators came and the meeting had a tangible spirit present and I'm sure they could feel it too as the speakers testified of Christ and the Atonement. Miraculously a man came in wanting to know more about the church and really enjoyed our Sunday School class talking about faith and we are very excited for him!! We then visited lots of people and taught lots of lessons. We stopped by one of our investigators we haven't seen in a while and he was very grateful we still "remembered him"and he was afraid that we had forgotten but we couldn't forget him. He just needed to feel the lack of the Spirit in his life so he could appreciate us and the spirit we bring when we came back. He told us that the other day his neighbor across from him, which happened to be where we were standing, was shot in the head and told us all about all the shootings here. So he told us to stayed 'prayed up" and don't go out at night.
-Elder Hill
#Heatinuphere #Anxiousforsumma #lovetheHillfam
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Black Snake! |
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The Moving Crew!! |
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Georgia or the Amazon! |
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