It was so much fun being
able to Skype with you yesterday! I wish time would go in slow motion
during those calls because time always seems to fly by and I'm already
looking forward for the next call so I'll be able to Skype. But in the
meantime I'll work hard as a missionary! This past week was sure a busy
week with so many activities, service, and finding new people to teach
every single day. We have had major success this past week finding
people as well as working with less actives with a lack of testimony.
Tuesday, it was quite the day of service as wek went to the Valley Food
Bank in the morning boxing food and putting the boxes of food onto
palettes for people who are less fortunate. Since I'm a competitive
person and winning motivates me, I asked the lady who was in charge
"Whats the record for the number of palettes done in 2 hours??" She
responded" I dont know it depends on how many people do it, BUT maybe we
can look into a record of palette competition." So inside I was
like"LET'S GO BABY!!!" After we finished service we were prompted to go
visit Sister Meadows who just happened to be doing yard work in the
heat of the day and looked like she could use a hand. We helped her trim
her bushes, helped her get brush from in between her bushes, and it
made me feel good that I listened the promptings of the spirit and
fulfilled a need that day! During service, since it was transfer day we
were figuring out all the new companionship's in the zone and we have
some awesome missionaries here in the Columbus zone and both Elder
Haines and I are very excited for all the missionary work that will come
to pass in this next transfer!
On Wednesday,
We helped out at the Food Bank again and we had less help that day than
on Tuesday, but we worked very hard and got the same number of palettes
done with just Elder Haines and I which I though was a great
accomplishment. It just feels really good to do service and it's
impossible not to smile after you do service:) Wednesday night was one
to remember. We ran into someone last week that was searching for God in
her life and it just so happened that she asked what we did as
missionaries. I replied and told her about the restored gospel of Jesus
Christ, essentially told her about the restoration of the gospel of
Jesus Christ, and answered some questions that she had in her life. I
know she was someone I was supposed to meet her on my mission and on
Wednesday we were able to sit down with a a member of the bishopric and
get a "self reliance" plan to help her get on her feet. The spirit was
so strong, we started off the meeting with this video, many of you have
probably seen it before ,but the message of the video cannot be talked
about to much https://www.mormonchannel. org/watch/series/mormon- messages/good-things-to-come-1 .
It really brought the spirit and as we talked about Jesus Christ and
hope and gaining strength in our trials through Christ we were able to
help her make a plan to get back on her feet. It was just a
strengthening visit as we let God's love embrace us as we talked about
aspects of the restored gospel and it's powerful seeing someone you just
met and gain their trust and they feel that you care for them as God
On Thursday, we were able to go to the
Food Bank AGAIN and pack boxes! Haha and you can definitely say we are
good at packing boxes now! Another great thing happened that day as we
were able to help someone commit for baptism in July which we are very
excited about and I know that he made the right decision. Now it's just
helping him feel God's love and use that love to help him through a few
addictions and issues.
Friday, was quite the
stressful day. The lady we met with to help her get back on her feet,
she lost her car and turned to us to help her find a place to stay...
One of the hardest lessons I've learned here on my mission is seeing so
many needs for people but because we are just missionaries and our main
purpose is to TEACH people we are restricted to how MUCH we can help. It
feels like we have our hands tied around our backs sometimes as people
explain their problems with finances or disabilities they have and I
want nothing more than to just help them solve those problems but we can
only teach them about how God can help and its up to them to decide to
trust God and show their faith. I have faith that God will deliver them
from their trials, BUT the trick is to help them feel that way. So
throughout the day we were trying to discern how far we could go with
this because its really not our place to ask church members to provide
shelter for people we are teaching. There's a lady who was baptized a
few months ago who went through a similar home less situation and this
lady offered to help and provide sheleter for the lady we were teaching
for no rent money!! WE visited with her and just in awe of that and how
Christlike that decision was and we were so grateful for her.
Saturday, we had a primary activity for the kids and the activity was
called "A Book of Mormon Adventure" where the kids would go through
stories in the Book of Mormon and learn to follow the prophet. So Elder
Haines were asked to be Samuel and Nephi and in a first person view tell
the story in 2 Nephi chapter 5:1-12. It was really fun leading the kids
(family) through the wilderness and teaching them that story.
Sunday, It was MOTHER'S DAY!!! I'll say it again, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAYYY
MOM I LOVE YOU!!! The highlight of the day was definitely Skyping home
to the best family eva!! And I look forward to it every single time. We
also met this family on Sunday who has 4 kids and they all are very
interested in looking into the church for their answers in the gospel.
They are very sincere and I'll keep you updated with them. One of the
kids asked us..."How do we know if a church has authority?" First off,
he's twelve and is asking good questions of the soul which you dont see
in alot of kids. We answered and talked about how the priesthood was
restored and Joesph Smith's story. It made alot of sense to him and as
we read in the Book of Mormon about the 2000 stripling warriors and
because of the way the warriors were taught by their mothers the
righteous way to live (Alma 56:47) they were brought up with God in
their heart which allowed all 2000 not to be killed. So.. to all the
mothers out there...especially to my Mom!! Thanks for all you do and if
it wasnt for you I wouldnt be where I am today. And since I'm on the
subject of families, if it wasnt for my dad I wouldnt have been taught
how I should and I also wouldnt be here right now with you dad:) And you
gotta have your siblings to good around with too so thanks for the
support y'all:)
-Elder Mitchell Hill
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Another Huge Church! |
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Looking fly in a Dodge Charger! |
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What does a goat say? |
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