I loved talking to you on Christmas!! If you couldn't tell I was bit nervous because we haven't talked to each other in a little while, but I loved talking with you!! Don't worry I wont be in trouble with anyone it will all work out, It was so worth it:) I'm glad that you enjoyed the pens, it was really fun making them and watching your faces when you opened them! It's amazing how great you feel when you give a gift that you know the person will love, it's probably how Christ felt often after he healed people and saw the joy in the recipients face. I love the Christmas season:)
This past week was definitely an emotional roller coaster, with the excitement of talking to my beloved family to the sadness of hanging up the call, this past week has just really showed me whats important about Christmas. In all of my past Christmas' the presents that I would recieve was where I found my happiness but now this past week I've realized that my family and the birth of Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. I realized that it doesn't matter what you get on Christmas, but whats more important is what you give and share with others. Not only that but the time spent with your family and how you worship the Lord is probably one the of the moist important things that we can do. Without Christ's birth no one could be saved from sin but because he lived and atoned for the sins of the world, was crucified, and rose again the 3rd day, everyone can live with Heavenly Father again. That is the greatest gift anyone can receive. On Christmas eve we experienced some pretty intense weather and the rain and wind canceled our Christmas eve plans and we were forced to stay in Milledgeville and spend Christmas eve with just us four missionaries. We heared the sound of the rain hit the roof while we played some board games and thought about our Christmas' in the past and how blessed we all are to have amazing families. It was also a cool day because it was my 6 month mark and I've spent 6 months preaching the gospel. Throughout these past 6 months I've truly changed as a person. Before my mission I felt as if my whole life dwelt on if I made or missed a shot in basketball, but now through being humbled and through the mission schedule I was forced to find what the true meaning of happiness is. Which is the gospel and what it teaches people. Even though I still find tremendous joy in playing basketball it's just apart of life but family and the gospel is what is truly important. Don't get me wrong basketball is still a huge part of who I am but thats not the only thing about life that's important. God wants you to expand your talents and use them but he wants you to do other things as well. These past 6 months have truly molded how my life will be when I get off my mission and I know I have alot left but I feel like I have a decent fotthold to what God is trying to teach me while I'm out here and a great thing!
With the new year coming up and wrapping up 2015 it's truly amazing how much has changed since the beginning of 2015. I've changed so much as a person this year and it's definitely for the better. Before my mission I had a hard with adversity and when I was faced with it I couldn't get my mind off of it but in the mission you face adversity everyday and you don't have any other choice than to get over it and just focus on helping people. So for this next year my entire focus is helping people see God in their life and in turn they will want to be like him and be baptized, so my goal for this next year is to see someone that I've taught come into the waters of baptism. This goal was definitely different than last years goal but it's a different time and I'm in a different place. I'm truly excited for what growths I'll experience this year and how much I'll learn!
I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH and have a great new year!!

Love Elder Mitchell Hill
#Newyear #Toowarm
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