I'm glad that all is well in Utah! It's finally starting to get colder here and I got to reunite with an old friend that I've been away from for 7 months...SNOW greeted us with it's presence! It was so nice to see a familiar face!! haha! I'm trying to stay warm haha the humidity here definitely is different than the Colorado/Utah dry cold. It may not snow here as much but it is still very brisk outside. But all is well and I'm getting accustomed to it...
This week was definitely a memorable week as far as spiritually. With everything that I was doing there was a strong, motivated purpose to go and share the gospel with people this week.
Tuesday started off with a very unusual, yet exciting start. Elder Godwin and Elder Taggart got into our apartment and woke us up at 6:30 banging on the wall. They tried scaring us but instead we were more confused than scared. After they tried scaring us they wanted to go play basketball at the church:) I WAS SO PUMPED! So we went and play 2-on-2 and then after a few games of that we played everyone against me and I ended up winning 1 game out of three but I was close in every game but it was a good way to start the day.
Wednesday was a really inspirational day... We had a missionary broadcast that was for all the missionaries all over the world. This is the first time in about 10 years where all the missionaries listened to the same broadcast. It was a really powerful broadcast where members of the 12 apostles asked questions to missionaries about roles of the Holy Ghost and they refocused our purpose. David A. Bednar specifically talked about how important the Holy Ghost is in conversion and the things necessary to have the Spirit with you. Various apostles and members of the seventy testified of teaching repentance and baptizing converts. They also testified of how great the work is that we are doing and how much love they have for us. Later that day I went on exchanges in Gray, GA with Elder Taylor where we biked in freezing cold rain and because I was on exchanges I forgot my coat at our place so I toughed it out. We went to give an investigators daughter a blessing because she was 3 years old and was having a triple bypass heart surgery the next day. The spirit was so strong and I sealed and confirmed the blessing he commited to come to church in Gray! They said they have been working with him for a few years and couldn't get him to church but after the blessing his testimony grew.
On Friday we had interviews with President and sister Cottle. It was awesome meeting with them and telling them about whats been going on. They are amazing people and it will be sad to see them go in July. Later that night we went to Brother Fraleys house where we discussed the word of Wisdom and various of topics. Brother Fraley was one of the first African American missionaries to go on a mission. He was interviewed by Elder Christensen and hand delivered his application to the prophet. He is awesome and he said because we came over that hed come to church.
On Saturday IT SNOWED!! I reacquainted with that old friend and it was beautiful sight to see.We went to give Howe Powe a blessing and we went back and Elder Godwin burned his pants for his 18 month mark it was awesome!! I was also able to attend a basketball game for Dalin Mosley ( A recent convert) and it made me really happy and somewhat trunky haha.
Sunday was one of the best Sundays I've had on my mission. When I first arrived in Milledgeville the ward felt really disconnected and it didnt feel like a a church should. By constant hard work and working with members the ward started to change for the better. On Sunday I've never seen so many smiling faces and the members seemed to genuinely care for each other. Maryanna one of investigators came to church with her daughter and she loved it! Not just that but 10 random people came to church and there was a sudden surge of excitement in the ward. Brother Jones also has struggled with his blood pressure and after Elder Showers pronounced a blessing upon him he doesnt have any of the side effects of his medicine. The power of the priesthood is undeniable. Then later that night we went to the Ryans home for dinner. Which ended our drought of meals. Not many members in this ward have fed us in the past but after Sunday they signed up for almost every day this week which is more meals than we've recieved in all my time here haha. The Ryan family is awesome! They have four girls that are really funny! Ate the end of the dinner apointment we all played "Dont let the balloon touch the ground" It was really funny and it was a cool moment where I felt like we are strengthening the ward and it was special moment.
The church is true and I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Elder Mitchell Hill
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My Friend the Snow!!! January 2016 Millidgeville GA |
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